Comment history

hunkaloo says...

You denied my wife Brigitte Carey a vote because we share the same IP address. We have separate computers and are both Bahamians. This is to do with the NHI 2% tax. Please allow her the vote.
This comment is for The Tribune!

hunkaloo says...

Does anyone have the actual percentage and numbers for Abaco?
I would presume that any increase in employment in Abaco was due to their own efforts and rebounding economy.

hunkaloo says...

Hope Town on Elbow Cay, has not had a full time nurse in many months! Our people and visitors alike, need one badly.

On Who will determine eligibility?

Posted 9 January 2016, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

hunkaloo says...

The Bahamas is mainly a tourist oriented country. It seems to me that Government would try to take advantage of this, as much as possible.Whoever, from the Cabinet office, sent out the notice restricting to only food stores, pharmacies and gas stations, just were not thinking straight. Nassau as the capital, should be able to open Bay Street to the tourists on holidays.
But, don't forget, there are other 'tourist destinations' within the Bahamas. ANY tourist-related business throughout the country, should be allowed to open(restaurants, souvenir stores and the list goes on). Let's get it together, Bahamas!

On Bay Street faces shop closure threat

Posted 5 August 2012, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal