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i_land_boy says...

they conveniently forget that the Sunnyside condo complex was built inside lyford cay. where were the objections there?

i_land_boy says...

So I guess we need to rip down all the high voltage power lines, and tell all the electricians to go home. We should remember that stupid island folk have no place around smart people tings. The person who wrote this obviously hasn’t seen how some of our local mechanics are rebuilding hybrid, and electric car battery packs.

Just remember, we stupid island idiots have no place trying to educate ourselves, or trying to fix things that are new to us.

To me this just sounds like a dumb brainwashed MAGA supporting Bahamian.

i_land_boy says...

I am so tired of the foreigner brings prosperity statements. When are we going to realize that we don’t need foreign investment. We have what they want, they want to come here and profit off our lands before us. We need to make Bahamas for Bahamians. We don’t want investors, we want ownership. The wealth transfer is happening right in front of our eyes. Rich foreigners are buying up all our best lands, and pushing the prices well beyond what any Bahamian can afford. So many things are out of reach in our own lands. The smart thing to do is remove the cap on property tax for foreign owned property. That way a 50million dollar private owned island contributes 500k in taxes annually. Pull the cap on foreign held property tax, and the values will eventually come back to normal.

i_land_boy says...

Came here for the upset foreign boater comment, I was not dissapointed. You people screamed the same thing when we increased the the cruising permit from 150 to 300 per year. All the people who complained still showed up.
The minute we are allowed to take our boats to florida, and charter and take opportunity from your friends, then we can talk about lowering taxes on the foreign vessels. Truth is they need to be higher so we can level the playing field for our own people. In my opinion any boat that wants to charter here, should have to get work permits for their crew, and pay vat on any fuel in the tank.

I guarantee your little rant will fall on deaf ears here. And no Matter what you say, people are coming here, proximity dictates that. So far the only people making noise so far are the Miami boaters, let’s me know we are doing the right thing here.

i_land_boy says...

you are right there, but when the US sneezes, we catch the flu. so pray he loses, or we are all screwed.

i_land_boy says...

Why would anyone want anything bad to happen to Drumpf? he needs to live so he can go to jail.

i_land_boy says...

its not like sailboaters actually spend any money here, all you do is live off happy hour, anchor in free moorings, fill your coolers for free, and steal people dock hoses. remember when the foreign sailboaters threatened to boycott the Bahamas over the increase in cruising permits from 150 to 300 per year. how far did that get? idle threats from blowboaters mean nothing. as far as i am concerned the cruising permit needs to be 300 a month, and fishing and diving permits should be extra. see how many freeloaders we get after that.

i_land_boy says...

I cant believe Fweddy Boy managed to slime his way to a PLP chairmanship, I guess S#!t flows downhill afterall. unfortunately now we have to hear this stupid parrot squawk 100 dollar words at the current administration for another few years. i was hoping we were done with him, guess we couldnt be so lucky.

On Mitchell: The world is watching

Posted 30 November 2017, 7:32 a.m. Suggest removal

i_land_boy says...

drones can fly at the airport with permission from NAD and the tower.

i_land_boy says...

Numbers houses Contribute absolutely nothing of value to the bahamas, even the taxes they contribute come at a high cost to society, and could be obtained through far better means.

On Island Luck CEO hits out at Rupert Roberts

Posted 10 January 2017, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal