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iamatruebahamian says...

for all who never defends this country (learn to read) stop listen to the noise
ch.191 – 24] immigration

residence and employment in the
28. (1) No person other than a person entitled to
land in The Bahamas in accordance with the provisions of
section 20 shall remain in The Bahamas after the expiration
of the period during which he is permitted to remain in The
Bahamas by the Immigration Officer or the Director of
Immigration under section 22 unless such person is in
possession of a valid permit issued in accordance with the
provisions of section 30 permitting him to so remain in The
(2) Where any person ceases to be a person entitled
to land in The Bahamas in accordance with the provisions
of section 20 the provisions of this section shall apply to
that person upon the expiration of such period of time as
responsibility for
persons landing
upon residence.
ch.191 – 24] immigration
statute law of the bahamas [Original Service 2001]
reasonably to allow for the departure of that person from
The Bahamas as the Director of Immigration may in his
discretion allow.
(3) Any person who contravenes the provisions of
this section shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.
29. (1) No person shall engage in any gainful
occupation in The Bahamas unless —
(a) he is a citizen of The Bahamas;
(b) he is a permanent resident whose certificate of
permanent residence permits him to engage in
gainful occupation;
(c) he is within either of the categories specified in
paragraph (c) or (d) of subsection (1) of section
(d) he is in possession of a valid permit issued in
accordance with the provisions of section 30
permitting him to engage in such occupation;
(e) he is a person or within a category of persons
whom the Minister has by order specified as
entitled to engage in gainful occupation.
(2) Any person who engages in any gainful occupation
in contravention of the provisions of this section shall
be guilty of an offence against this Act.
(3) Any person who, whether on his own behalf or
on behalf of another, employs any person who, under the
provisions of subsection (1) of this section, is prohibited
from engaging in any gainful occupation, shall be guilty of
an offence against this Act.

Judges can't change laws!

iamatruebahamian says...

If you think that's a good idea go live in Canada, Do we have a brain of are own, you people always wants to do what other countries do every time a bahamian suggests something its stupid right? We need to think with empathy.

iamatruebahamian says...

So to my comment I posted earlier this not about politicians, not the economics, it about being educated on performance, an opening which can led to an opportunity and landing that job! period....... if you believe that corporations in the USA do have hundreds for people in the hot sun trying to get a job at a company, then you to get and see how people live in other countries.

iamatruebahamian says...

attention young people! Hope this helps

I have been hire for every job I had was interviewed for, no it's the truth! These are just a few steps that got me whey beyond the interview desk. It's easy just relax, keep your mind clear, you have to remember that these people that you go in the front off are just that "people", no more no less. The truth is that many employers are looking for qualified people whom they personally like and get along with. Don't underestimate the power of emotional connections alongside qualifications. People hire people, not resumes!
Prepare for the interview. Being prepared is more important than job knowledge, skills and experience. Tailor your resume. Think creatively about how the experience you have relates to the job you want. Bullet aspects of your previous jobs relevant to the position you seek. Get an interview. The hardest part of getting a job for which you may not be the most technically qualified applicant is getting an interview. Conduct yourself professionally. Be confident. Focus on why you honestly believe you would be good at this particular job. Make a list of reasons beforehand. If you have confidence in yourself, you are more likely to convince the employer of your ability. Be up-beat. A positive attitude will show the interviewer you are a can-do person.Be likable. We all want to hire and work with people we like.Be informed. Know about the company and the business before you go to the interview. Know what they expect you to do for the company. Ask intelligent questions. There is always more to the job than what can be said in an ad. As you find out more about the job, you may discover job functions for which you are more qualified and you can direct your focus on them.Be open to training. If the employer is willing to train you for the job, demonstrate enthusiasm about learning new things and a willingness to put extra time and effort into training. If you are a quick study, now is the time to mention it. Make the interview a starting point. If the job is not something you are qualified to do, ask to leave your resume with the company or ask if there are similar opportunities at a lower level. If you appear enthusiastic, intelligent and committed, your interviewer(s) is more likely to offer suggestions to help you break into the field. Make the interview a starting point. If the job is not something you are qualified to do, ask to leave your resume with the company or ask if there are similar opportunities at a lower level. If you appear enthusiastic, intelligent and committed, your interviewer(s) is more likely to offer suggestions to help you break into the field.

iamatruebahamian says...

Where is that punk ass Fred Smith on this matter, all for Haitians NOT for Bahamians as usual

On Bahamian dies in custody in Haiti

Posted 26 September 2015, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

iamatruebahamian says...

The way that we go wrong, if anyone paying any attention, the politicians with in themselves are not professional police officer or with a back ground of security strategies may be that is needed, so how do we hold government in the pass FNM or PLP now the government in some thing they do not know how to do. Yes of coarse they make tougher laws and amend laws but we complain about how it not getting better and there's a very simple answer to the question both the FNM and the PLP are expecting the people in charge of this task are qualified to do the job but the simple answer is they are not!! Think about it for a second who is in charge of ultimately of keeping us safe? this is why no matter who is the government it will get worse because we as a nation has not address the unlined problem, which is the "Police Commissioner"! Of which everyday get praises for doing a bad job, if this commissioner was working any where else in the world he would of being fired from the first record high levels in murders, because he is the go to person for crime prevention period! So the out cry should be we need him gone, he is the denominator for both parties.

iamatruebahamian says...

The way that we go wrong, if anyone paying any attention, the politicians with in themselves are not professional police officer or with a back ground of security strategies may be that is needed, so how do we hold government in the pass FNM or PLP now the government in some thing they do not know how to do. Yes of coarse they make tougher laws and amend laws but we complain about how it not getting better and there's a very simple answer to the question both the FNM and the PLP are expecting the people in charge of this task are qualified to do the job but the simple answer is they are not!! Think about it for a second who is in charge of ultimately of keeping us safe? this is why no matter who is the government it will get worse because we as a nation has not address the unlined problem, which is the "Police Commissioner"! Of which everyday get praises for doing a bad job, if this commissioner was working any where else in the world he would of being fired from the first record high levels in murders, because he is the go to person for crime prevention period! So the out cry should be we need him gone, he is the denominator for both parties.

On Gutless: Miller hits out at colleagues over crime

Posted 15 September 2015, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal

iamatruebahamian says...

The way that we go wrong, if anyone paying any attention, the politicians with in themselves are not professional police officer or with a back ground of security strategies, may be that's needed in government, but even so how do we hold government in the pass The FNM or The PLP now the government in something they do not know how to do. Yes of coarse they make tougher laws and amend laws but we complain about how it not getting better, but there's a very simple answer to the question. Both the FNM and the PLP are expecting the people in charge of this task are qualified to do the job but the simple answer is they are not!! Think about it for a second who is in charge of ultimately in keeping us safe? this is why no matter who is the government it will get worse because we as a nation has not address the unlined problem, which is the "Police Commissioner"! Of which everyday get praises but doing a bad job! if this commissioner was working any where else in the world he would of being fired from the first record high levels in murders, because he is the go to person for crime prevention period! So the out cry should be we need him gone and or replace, he is the denominator for both parties and we have still have high levels of murders.

On Husband and wife found shot dead in Grand Bahama

Posted 15 September 2015, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

iamatruebahamian says...

It sounds like Super Value Management is just into the money with no morals for the community, that his complaint is that all the China Construction workers are gone and his sales declined, so in essences he want the China Construction worker to remain so he can continue to get the big bucks even if those worker were taking Bahamians jobs away from Bahamians. Some may argue that its the government fault for allowing those workers to be working in the first place, but i believe that we all have to do are part in the community to work together so that Bahamians benefits from shopping at Super Value with good customer service and low prices , this is what the Super Value Markets should have their marketing gear towards the people of the Bahamas..

On Baha Mar reverses 50% Quality sales rise forecast

Posted 15 September 2015, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

iamatruebahamian says...

Bahamians do not let this guy talk about The Bahamas like where he's from there is no crime and murders happening in the country where he live. Of cause we have problems but don't every city with a dense population has some crime? and tourist in general is safe? DO NOT repeat DO NOT have people talk nonsense about our country and take our motto to use it in a derogatory way. We have to protect our country, it's ours defend it to the end. Bahamians we need to be proud of ourselves, as small country that we have more positives than the negatives that makes us great and stop trashing each other because we have enough foreigners doing that. do not let outsiders define who we our as a country.

On Lawyer says Nassau ‘is a dangerous dump’

Posted 14 September 2015, 7:55 p.m. Suggest removal