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ibonamy says...

To use your own words Gibson about promotions "**those who received them were well deserving and had nothing to do with the individual’s politics**." does this also applies to awarding contracts to your girlfriend. You are a man void of shame and ethics. History should not be kind to you. When persons are struggling everyday to pay their utility bills, you abused the trust of the Bahamian people for you own selfishness. May you reap what you sow one day.

On ‘Promoted staff well deserving’

Posted 28 September 2021, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

ibonamy says...

**Primus inter pares** is a Latin phrase meaning **first among equals.** It is typically used as an honorary title for someone who is formally equal to other members of their group but is accorded unofficial respect, traditionally owing to their seniority in office. Losing is never an easy thing and in defense of Hubert Minnis, he should be afford a time for reflection and introspection. In one of his last sound bites he alluded to being tired after 4.5 years. So over the next weeks if not months give him the time to consider his next move. This calling for his head does not bode well for anyone and during this time it also gives the country time to heal. I have no doubt he will do what is in the best interest for the country, his supporters and the party. To make it clear , I am not a Minnis supporter, but i see where blame is being shift. We at no time in a young democracy voted for a PM, the election is based of **first past the post voting system** and he who holds the majority forms the next government and the leader made PM. This is very consistent and despite the low voter turn out the PLP were victorious and Phillip Davis was sworn in as PM. Dr. Minnis was punished at the polls and was demoted, as it stands now who will be the leader for the opposition , will Dr. Minnis be ostracize from the party and be made to resign from parliament. This will cause a bi-election and the FMN may not win or hold on to the Killarney seat. Dr Minnis was re-elected by his supporters in Killarney. It is only fair that over the next several days and months respect be given to the constituents of Killarney, which includes all the PMs past and present. Five years for some folks are long and the FNM will regroup and come back stronger and better with ideas and honest candidates. Give Dr. Minnis some time over the next several months and if the party is wise enough, questions will have to be answered by him on how he governed for the last 4.5 years and who is best to answer than the man himself.

ibonamy says...

It is sad when you see officials turning a blind ear to these things. We average about 4-5 thousand students leaving school every year, entering into the work place. One of the many roles of Government is to create the environment for employment. Being a bottleneck or using people as political pawns is wrong and dangerous. Big on promises and small on delivery is not a good recipe for governance.

ibonamy says...

They got to go......sorry

ibonamy says...

Lincoln Bain would need almost 40 Billion dollars to give every Bahamian or household 100,000. Where will he find this money? please do your home work first before believing this . Take a look at what they are doing in Alaska.…

ibonamy says...

Have known Micheal for over 45 years, we all grew up in Mt Pleasant Village along with Marvin Dames. Micheal has always been a could talker, would always have a thesaurus in his pocket. Micheal love you like a brother but don't see that as a possibility.

On Pintard: FNM remains best option

Posted 11 September 2021, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

ibonamy says...

If you ever visit Washington DC you will notice that most of the Museum and historical sites are free to visitors. Yes i agree we must do more to protect and upgrade all our historical sites. There are too many secrets deals past and present and at the end the tax payers are left holding the bag. In 2011 BTC was sold for less than a pound of flesh, we still don't have a clear understanding of the partnership arrangement with BPL. Water Corp is another story within itself. I am very troubled by these private-public partnerships to many persons are getting rich on the backside of the average joe. We need to do better and we must.

On ‘Agreements finalised’ on heritage sites deal

Posted 10 September 2021, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

ibonamy says...

Dr Sands don't have a good track record over the last 4 years. Failure to address the Junior doctors and Nurses issues. Failure in the frank Smith legal case and awarding a bigger contract without cabinet approval. Hurricane Dorian failure and not being honest with the Bahamian people o the amount of deaths and last the response to Covid-19, he was MIA at the start of the lock down and broke all protocols in allowing persons back into country. Is this the person we want as a leader. His ambition is greater than his ability. This is not a house call and the good doctors answers....Like the Great US , the experiment of electing Trump was disastrous for so many , we followed and elected Dr Minnis,. Lightening should not hit us twice.

On Think twice, Elizabeth

Posted 9 September 2021, 10:19 p.m. Suggest removal

ibonamy says...

Bahamians have been living high of the land for a very long time. We continue to hang our baskets beyond our reach. The drugs years exacerbated this even more. Successive governments did not see fiscal prudence as a popular policy and continued to borrow and spend. So the chickens have come back to roost. How do we get out of this situation? We cannot tax or borrow our way out of it. The average person don't understand our Debt to GDP ratio and is concern about how to get the next Nike shoe or Remy hair piece.(No pun intended) We are not teaching our children the value of money or fiscal responsibility. Do we know how many millions of dollars that leaves this country every year on automobiles from Japan. We are a nation or Car growers, I am convinced the average household have at least 3.5 cars and 2 are not working. The inner city is plague with derelict vehicles and that is so sad. The space can be used just to grow something to eat. The next government will have to be extremely discipline and tough decisions will have to be made. Honesty and transparency must be the norm in order to govern effectively. We as citizens must do our part even more for the sake of our country. Corrupt dealings must be wiped out completely. There are to many issues and the work starts on September 17 2021. Please be safe as you cast your vote.

On EDITORIAL: Tax talks ahead - no matter who wins

Posted 9 September 2021, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

ibonamy says...

Bahamians have been living high of the land for a very long time. We continue to hang our baskets beyond our reach. The drugs years exacerbated this even more. Successive governments did not see fiscal prudence as a popular policy and continued to borrow and spend. So the chickens have come back to roost. How do we get out of this situation? We cannot tax or borrow our way out of it. The average person don't understand our Debt to GDP ratio and is concern about how to get the *next Nike shoe or Remy hair piece*.**(No pun intended)** We are not teaching our children the value of money or fiscal responsibility. Do we know how many millions of dollars that leaves this country every year on automobiles from Japan. We are a nation or Car growers, I am convinced the average household have at least 3.5 cars and 2 are not working. The inner city is plague with derelict vehicles and that is so sad. The space can be used just to grow something to eat. The next government will have to be extremely discipline and tough decisions will have to be made. Honesty and transparency must be the norm in order to govern effectively. We as citizens must do our part even more for the sake of our country. Corrupt dealings must be wiped out completely. There are to many issues and the work starts on September 17 2021. **Please be safe as you cast your vote.**