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icon says...

well.................I hate to be the bearer of good news here...!!.....but's time that we arm ourselves.....this government don't have the capacity to see that marshal law is now needed in this God forsaken land?....!,,,,,
I say!!...if the criminals are armed??..!!..we should petition for all Bahamian's capable, in sound minds, and qualify for the purpose of personal protection!!! bear arms, according to our legislation, as we are entitled to.
So let's get a petition for new legislation passed,,,and be ready to defend ourselves!!! this police force is highly inadequate, and hate to say??....but somewhat incompetent!. By now the commissioner of police should have seen, the level we are at by now, " DEFCON 1 " and moved swiftly for the military law to take over this country for two years!!.....So thus leaving us to have to petition for an act for " the rights for us to bear small arms " to defend ourselves!!!