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iexpressed says...

crime is the responsibility of the govt

it is the responsibility of govt to tighten up the justice system to get these recycled criminals off of the streets.

then it has to clean its own house. start with compliance of the required declarations and accountability thereto. then move to implement the freedom of information act leading to a more transparent and accountable govt, not giving the appearance that politician and their supporters are walking hundreds of millions out of the treasury/bank of the bahamas for their personal benefit. what message of integrity is this setting for the uneducated population?

then with the millions not "missing", diligently fund initiatives from urban renewal to various private programs such as PACE and Dr Allen's Family to catch the pregnant teenager society has turned their back on. rebuild the family structure and moral. education and prosperity will follow.

it starts at the top. why do people not speak out? because they do not want to be victimized and shut down.

if the top lacks integrity and cannot accomplish its objective of providing a safe country to live in, the law abiding will take it into their own hands.

On Anti-crime rally being held tonight

Posted 5 November 2014, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

iexpressed says...

Another example of good quick police work by our RBPF. A scene where both the victim and suspect are shot should yield more than ample forensic evidence to move this promptly thought he justice system. Let us see the swift justice promised. There is no excuse in this slam dunk case. Remove these terrorist from society. Thank you.

iexpressed says...

way to go RBPF in catching the third suspect. good work! put together the forensic, which there should be no shortage of, and off to the justice system.

On Shot dead at home defending parents

Posted 30 October 2014, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal