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ihadit says...

Actions of hypocrisy, the worst political party (PLP) in the history of the world. Obie, Perry, Brave and Allison Maynard Gibson (AG) actions are likened unto world class hypocrites. They rush the gaming bill into law talking crap about it being the best for the Bahamian people, when everyone on the planet knows they got paid off. They live in denial!

Further, we as Bahamian people are the best persons to say what is best for us, and we did so at the 2013 referendum, we are not looking for parental figures to tell us what is good for us. We put the PLP in power to represent out interests, NOT their interests, and NOT their party's interest, and our best interest is what we say it is. They think Bahamians stupid!

ALL this damn crime going on, and they stop the entire work of the country to deal with the immoral gambling houses, and dressing up criminals to make them look like law abiding citizens. They work hard for those who pay them well (numbers bosses). I wonder how much they got paid under the table to rush this bill into law in the absence of ANY formal or written report from the financial action task force (FATF)? Every member who supported the bill has to be either a complete idiot, a fool, got paid off or is afraid to vote against their party for fear of being fired or victimized. The PLP placed self greed and politics ABOVE the will of the people.

The opposition (FNM) is also weak and worthless, they are all one party (plp & fnm). The Bahamas is for sale to anyone... preferably criminals. What can I get for $150.00? Can I get some new laws to suit my benefit? I guess the country can now legalize and regulate rape, murder and armed robbery since the government cannot control those crimes, and such crime has been going on for many years also. Their solution to crime is to make ALL crime legal, then we will have no crime.

We MUST get these no good corrupt BUMs out of power TODAY, before they continue to destroy and run our beautiful country underground, as another 2 years in power would be too late.

ihadit says...

The PLP is in no position to talk about flip flopping. AFTER the referendum, Perry Christie (PM) said that ALL number houses should close, or suffer the consequences. The PM also said that he (PLP also) had no horse in the race. Later he said that he regretted holding the referendum and that he should have just legalize and regulated the gambling houses. Much later, the PLP now appears to be saying... 'to hell with the bahamian people!, as it seems more important for the PLP to line their pockets with DIRTY money instead.

Please people, do not fall for the 'gaming house are too big to stop' excuses. This is no more that hog wash. They are just using this so that we Bahamians can be brainwashed into believe such nonsense. If the PLP or FNM were serious about closing the web shops, they would have done so a long time ago. It is never too late!

i wonder how many cabinet minister got paid off to vote yes to the gaming BILL. Let it be known that we Bahamians are taking notes, and writing down names of those MPs who went against our wishes for the day of recompense is nearing.

I must add one more thing... The PLP would love for us to believe that the web shop monies, and the taxes therefrom are sacred and more valuable than regular money. Let them (gambling houses) take their money and spent it elsewhere, we do not need their monies. What the hell is $40M a year, and up to $25M a year for a country. That is nothing at all. Some small businesses in the USA make over $100M a year, and our misfits politicians cannot even turn over a dime. no vision at all!!!

ihadit says...

I say NO increase for Cable Bahamas (CB), How can you expect to get approval for an increase, when you do not abide by the terms of your agreement and/or international laws. CB needs to honour its contract to provide Cable throughout the Bahamas first and stop being greedy for money. We should not reward bad behavior. CB will loose its case hands down. I wonder if CB still stealing satellite TV signal and selling it to the Bahamian people or are they now paying?

ihadit says...

The reason why VAT is coming is because the FNM and PLP governments wasted, and mismanaged the Country's monies and valuable resources. So now, they want more monies for another chance to do it again. Our government MUST be seriously lacking vision and brain juice if the only thing they can do is increase revenue to TAX the poor hard working Bahamians who cannot even afford to put food on the table for their families. If you think crime was out of whack now, just wait until VAT comes along. The government just looks at us and says... 'how can we squeeze more monies out of these poor people, and criminalize them if they do not pay up. The government is unwilling or afraid to collect real property and other taxes from their friends, family members and cronies, so their way out is to create a new tax system to get the monies from us to pay the bills what their cronies, friends and family will not pay.

ihadit says...

As soon as the commissioner of police and our Bahamian people grow a back bone, the FNM and PLP would be in the same boat with Jean-Bertrand Aristide. We MUST demand Justice and accountability from our leaders. No one is above the law.

ihadit says...

Please do not get anger confused with hatred. Bahamians NEED to get HOT, you cannot be cold or luke warm like in the days of old. Politicians take it as a pass to do more shit if you do not get MAD. Bahamians need to get friggin angry, hot and MAD as HELL (not violent) even if it looks like hatred on the outside. But, always keep a calm head on the inside. Our democracy is at stake, this is no time to pretend to be happy, when our leaders don't give a shit about you and are causing you and the rest of the country to suffer for a select few in our crime infested Country. Some people pick up a gun and express their feelings, as for me I express my feelings by my words.

ihadit says...

Believe it or not, number house bosses Sebas and Fowlers are the de facto government of The Bahamas. The Bahamas is for sale for the right price… right Perry? How much does it cost to go against your own people, handicap the police, and make new laws to legalize and regulate racketeering and illegal actions so that it can appear legitimate and put your country at risk of being blacklisted again? AND how much does it costs to force Banks in The Bahamas to accept illegal monies? Hey … How much does it cost Perry, just quote us a figure? Perry and the PLP (FNM too) only cares about lining their pockets… to hell with Bahamians … right Perry? Action speaks louder than words.

Among many other things, Perry ‘Vomit’ Christie takes monies from crooks (gaming bosses), and dresses them up to look like law abiding citizens and respected businessmen. It is like ‘putting lipstick on a pig’, it’s still a PIG. Then he frequents with a bunch of gays (birds of a feather flocks together). How in the hell can a heterosexual individual find himself friends with 3 to 4 gays (not bashing gays) not of blood relations? A word to the wise.

This is how to control the number houses… STOP spending monies with them, and ALL their influential powers would disappear. No money, no power, no political influence or corruption. See if Perry will fight for the number bosses when they broke. Hell No, once the money gone, the politicians and political favors will follow suit.

IF the PLP or FNM wins this next general election, it tells me that we Bahamian people are ‘stuck on stupid’, and as for me and my family, we going to live elsewhere, where our rights as human beings are respected. I refuse to continue to suffer poverty, oppression and the fear of crime for the uninformed majority and a bunch on incompetent greedy politicians, who keep an entire country down just for a few criminals, friends, cronies and lovers.

I think that we as Bahamians deserve what we get, because we have the real power, the politicians only have a perception of power which we give to it from time to time. Stop subscribing to their oppressive authority, and you will see changes. We vote 'shit' in and we get 'shit' out. This is the worse government I have ever seen in my entire 46 years of living. The PLP and FNM ran this country underground, and we (not me personally, I voted DNA) still voted them in and expected change. Perry 'vomit' Christie is the most incompetent, openly corrupt and indecisive person this Bahamas has ever seen. He is definitely qualified for the ‘worse Prime Minister of all times’ award’.

ihadit says...

From A.D. 2003 BEC (Burn Extra Candles) was in financial problems, they charge us whatever they wish, and the Bahamian people just go run and pay it... this is why they will keep doing it. We NEED to STOP paying BEC, purchase a cheap portable gasoline generator ($300.00) like I have done and used for years, or solar panels if you can afford it (it is the principal of the matter), and get out of the high fuel surcharge rat race before BEC send you to the poor house with its mortgage and apartment rent like fees. The monies you had to put food on the table and/or pay school fees, you now have to pay to BEC.

This is the results of what happens when you put a person (Leslie ‘Clueless’ Miller) a place to run BEC who is not qualified to do so. Miller owes BEC more than most Bahamians but tells you to pay your BEC Bill, then tells you that you have to pay $25.00 to $30.00 extra, but he hasn’t paid the hundreds of thousands he owes to BEC. This very government owes BEC $30M and it is not paying its BEC bills, but yet it tells you to pay you BEC bills. This is the highest form of hypocrisy I have ever seen. This is what happens when you keep voting in PLP, FNM and lawyers to run a country, the only thing they will do is make laws to oppress you on a daily basis. Most lawyers (Bran is the exception) are NOT qualified to properly run a country, instead persons should be placed in a field where they are qualified.

Come on Bahamas, we must stop being ignorant, for we shall perish for lack of knowledge. Beyond the bills being deathrageously high, we all know or ought to know have known that, the bills we get from BEC are not legitimate. Learn to read, measure and check your electricity consumption for yourself and you will see what I saying. I speak from experience. IF you want BEC or this government to comply, just STOP paying them monies and watch them fold to the demands of the people. But we are weak and spineless as Bahamians. We ALL want to accomplish certain things, but no one wants to go outside their comfort zone to achieve it. This is why we will not accomplish anything worth fighting for. It is like everybody want to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. Bahamians will NOT go out and seriously and constantly demonstrate and mobilize themselves in unison because we do not wish to sacrifice anything at all. The politicians know this and that is why they keep doing shit… because they know that we will just talk for now, and later go silent. As Bahamians we are too damn weak, we fight for nothing!, not even if our lives depend on it.