Comment history

imjustsaying says...

Relax people! The stores may have been out of bread for a few hours, but that was only until the next shipment came, which some people may have missed because they went to the store too early in sheer "panic mode". Atlanta was not in dire straights so much to the point that we needed bread to be brought to us from elsewhere. Nah if yinna was talkin bout some Bamboo Shack... :-)

On Alert for Atlanta travellers

Posted 14 February 2014, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

imjustsaying says...

I think it's wonderful to see how "interested" parents/guardians are in the "education" of (their) children, now if only we can see the same "interest" during the school year and the same diligence to want to "get things resolved" when a Parent-Teacher Conference is called or when parents/guardians are asked to assist in some way i.e. checking to make sure that homework is completed, etc