Comment history

infoseeker says...

My God, can you please stop spelling the word as pore, it's poor.

On $80k doctors had ‘generous’ offer

Posted 20 December 2018, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

infoseeker says...

Does that make any of this right?? We need to start taxing people who want to be taxed. Break the law, and pay a fine. You voluntarily would be giving the government your money.

infoseeker says...

This sounds like failed parenting to say the least. A big grown 35 year old man who lives with his mother, who still cooks all his meals for him. Mum, it sounds like you raised a bum who was able to be bribed to do stupid crimes for chump change. Nevertheless, the woman needs to be investigated and if foul play is indeed involved the should be charged. But parents, especially mothers need to stop cloaking these men and send them off to be MEN, not sitting hand and foot waiting on "mummy".

On ‘Help me find my son’

Posted 18 September 2018, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

infoseeker says...

Exactly' people don't understand the constitution. Her Children will not be Bahamian no matter where they were born, not until after they apply at 18. By that time, why even bother, they would be Estonian. I hope they're Olympians like their parents and craps on our stupid law.

On ‘Where’s the red carpet for Shaunae?’

Posted 18 September 2018, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

infoseeker says...

@hrysippus. You are absolutely incorrect. Single Bahamian men cannot pass on citizenship, we voted no to the referendum that would have changed it. I'm not guessing either, this is a fact. Go and read the Constitution, this is not the only case if this bull**** going on. I have two cousins by the same father, one is Bahamian and the other is not. I speak from experience.

infoseeker says...

A Bahamian father cannot pass on citizenship if he is unmarried.

infoseeker says...

she's haitian because her parents are unmarried.

infoseeker says...

My statement is correct in theory but unfortunately not by law. It shouldn't be based on that but it is. And I do agree with you on the referendum, it was just plain stupid to vote against it and I was not one of those who felt obliged to do so just because some pastor or politician said so. I am in total agreement with us being a backwards state because of the discrimination, but we also discriminate against our men as well. As is the case here, an unmarried Bahamian man cannot pass on citizenship. I never saw the referendum as being for women's rights it was for the rights of all Bahamians. Unfortunately we didn't understand what the hell we were voting for.

infoseeker says...

Haiti has no knowledge of the mother. How will they acknowledge her as Haitian? They magically know of all of their citizens being born outside of the country? The mother already claimed another Nationality, how can she now say to the Haitian government....Oh wait I'm a Haitian I need a passport. Y'all biased bad. But we all about Claiming De'Andre Ayton as a Bahamian when both his parents are not Bahamian (NONE not even daddy like this girl here) he was only born here. LOL. But carry on smartly, let the child die 'cuz we just hate Haitians that much, we prepared to sacrifice one of our own (Bahamian daddy) and let her suffer too.

infoseeker says...

Citizenship should not be based solely on if your parents are married or not. We're going to let a whole child suffer and possibly die because her parents are not married. Let that sink in and repeat it as many times as you need to. this child can "die", because her parents are unmarried. She could have the same mummy, and the same daddy only a piece of paper (Marriage certificate) is stopping her from being Bahamian. Boy I tell ya some of yall. Yall the same people who claim to be Godly or Christians, yall have no love in your hearts if you can truly say....well too bad she should have done XYZ. A child comes into this world innocent and not choosing their parents or the place they were born. And you wonder why some of the things that happen to you happens, I believe you get out of this world just what you give it.