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islandgirly15 says...

Rest in Peace good Prince Phillip. You led an extraordinary life and will be missed.

islandgirly15 says...

While I concede that there are countries that are exceptions, we are not one of them.

islandgirly15 says...

What pray tell is the point of your comment? If you feel so entitled to spew your vitriol, why is she not allowed to share her mind, when asked her opinion? Why should a Haitian citizen be allowed to vote in a Bahamian election? That happens in no other country on the planet. Citizens alone are allowed to vote. If you are not a citizen, you have no say in the affairs of a country. If you dislike a people or a country, remove yourself and gain peace of mind.

islandgirly15 says...

We can just switch the location of both statues. There is no need for Columbus to receive more praise/promotion than Woodes Rogers.

islandgirly15 says...

The statue of Columbus needs to be replaced with **Woodes Rogers**. Our history barely recognizes his contribution. He has a measly statue by the Hilton but if anyone read the history books, they would see what an undertaking it was to clean up our country. His motto rang true then and it rings even truer today. We need to expel the modern-day pirates so that **all Bahamians** can have a prosperous future. Modern-day heroes deserve their praise (and should receive it bountifully) but without Woodes Rogers we might have been a Spanish speaking country or had no country at all.

islandgirly15 says...

@Joeblow and @Pastor_Cedric_Moss You both are missing the point. Dr. Sands is a health professional and his job is to keep Bahamians healthy. His job is not to fix your moral compass, that is the job of moral leaders. Trying to push an abstinence only message as a healthcare official is malpractice.
You want to wade into speculation but he has to deal with the facts. The fact is Bahamians have sex. The fact is we have a high disease prevalence. The fact is there are evidence based methods to reduce disease incidence and prevalence. As a health professional his job is to act based on facts, not based on your perceived moral failings of our nation.
Promoting safe sexual practices and creating a more educated public, creates a safer public. You can wage war for the soul of the Bahamas, his job is to ensure we are healthy. None of what you stated will stop people from having sex, and you are only proving all of the points he's made. It's time for us to be frank and honest with who we are as a people. From a medical perspective, he has no choice but to see the country as it is.

islandgirly15 says...

Sheeprunner12, what does a person's skin colour have to do with their opinion? That sort of thinking is what prevents us from forward advancement.
The belief that one person should take over another because of the colour of their skin is what started that brand of slavery in the first place. We all live with the effects of race based slavery. If we are to move forward in thought, action, and, heart we must study the past but never repeat it. Wish the couple the best and move on.
As for OldFort2012, your statements are misleading and exonerate Britain completely of their involvement. We aren't here by accident. Yes, it is true that Britain abolished the slave trade and slavery well before the Americans. Yes, it is true that Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were more progressive on race than their subjects of the day BUT Britain didn't obtain empire status simply by exchanging pleasantries. It's important that we acknowledge the good and with bad.

islandgirly15 says...

Why do we still need Carnival? It serves no purpose but to embarrass us as culture thieves. We simply need to stick to investing in our own culture and make Junkanoo profitable.

islandgirly15 says...

So proud of him!

islandgirly15 says...

Can someone tell the Trump administration that the biggest threat to American security is Donald Trump' s Twitter account and not the Bahamian people. The wait for airport security is long enough