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isldnrudeboy says...

The cause is not always because of, "irresponsible people , single moms, absentee dads ,sweethearts", it is because of lack of structure. We all are cut from a different piece of fabric, and with in that fabric if the most ingrediant, which is structure, is missing all hope is lost. Bahamian people needs to get back to basic and beat, not physically, structure in the youth of Bahamas.

On Three dead, two injured in shootings

Posted 2 January 2014, 6:57 a.m. Suggest removal

isldnrudeboy says... hit the nail right on the head. One thing a lot of people, not persons but people, dont like to hear is the truth. Change starts from with in and the longer it takes for change to happen, the worst things will get for the Bahamian people, not for the Bahamas but for the Bahamian people.

On Three dead, two injured in shootings

Posted 2 January 2014, 6:47 a.m. Suggest removal