Comment history

ispeakthetruth says...

The Haitian population has increased by 75% over 30 years if the numbers floating around for 1985 and 2015 are correct. It won't be long before the Haitian community is in the drivers seat of the Bahamas. And considering the silence and opposing reaction of politicians on what should be a paramount issue, I think that time is now.

I cannot appreciate or respect the method of this transfer of power, but majority rules! Immigration from Haiti would be encouraged, but maybe they will crackdown on the illegal Chineese and Filipinos. And using the Bahamian experience, create and enforce citizenship laws to protect against their own illegal invasion.

ispeakthetruth says...

I agree Deddie. That was also my experience when I transferred from COB. Despite its flaws COB is a reputable college, and most important its credits are transferrable to major US colleges. If they were not, then that would a real problem. The infrastructure and administrative issues are fixable, and should not stop its progression toward University status.

However, the college should look for alternative sources of revenue to improve in these areas. VAT charged on tuition, not tuition increases, should be used to help the college to help achieve this goal.

On Why COB will never really be a university

Posted 21 April 2015, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

ispeakthetruth says...

Any measure to bring order to illegal immigration seems to be unpopular among his fellow politicians- who are either silent, critical of the measures or seem only concerned for the Haitian community. I think this is what will ultimately contribute to nothing being done. Because Bahamian politicians clearly do not act in the best interest of citizens. And while Fred Mitchell has public support, he does not have enough political support. So guess what...?

Even the simple suggestion of Keith Bell, that all persons be required to have IDs was meet with dramatics and over-exaggeration of human rights concerns by Carl Bethel. He referred to this simple concept employed by most (if not all) modern and developed nations to apartheid, Nazi Germany and operating a police state. How ludicrous. Clearly he is okay with the possibility of unidentified pedophiles, murders, etc. anonymously existing among unsuspecting and law abiding citizens. Every adult person should have some form of ID on their person...that should be the law.

You are correct the facilitators of illegal immigration are intense. The government (not just FM or Perry) needs to be even more intense in this fight.

ispeakthetruth says...

I see nothing wrong with establishing an anonymous tip line, rewarded with an anonymous deposit, into the tipster's account if it pans out. This idea is directed at discouraging the illegal boat rides, and apprehending the masterminds behind the smuggling ring, and not suspected illegals already living in Bahamas. Some of you are really being disingenuous with the dead or alive nonsense.

Having prior knowledge is what kept them ahead on this a result almost two hundred were intercepted before they made the Bahamas their home and retained Fred Smith as council. Who knows there could be individuals far enough removed from the situation so that they would not be easily identified, that would easily talk with the right motivation. Why not explore all avenues?

ispeakthetruth says...

This D- average is even more of a reason to attract international students, online and on campus. If not, the acceptance standard would have to be lowered, so would the curriculum. This would in turn result in COB credits not being accepted internationally.

Meanwhile, Fitzgerald really needs to do something about the appalling BGCSE results. The only solution in the past has been to lower the standards...we went from A levels, to O levels, to what? Will BJCs become the new standard for graduates?

ispeakthetruth says...

I agree. Online college programs generate big dollars for a lot of US universities...even some of the Ivy League colleges now offer online programs. General COB credits (meaning not specific to Bahamas such as religion, history, etc.) will be accepted at almost any U.S. University. Even with the increase, COB would still be a cheaper alternative for international students. The credits earned there would be evaluated, for less than $200, but results are usually favorable. This could be a marketable concept, and an alternative to raising fees on cash strapped Bahamians.

ispeakthetruth says...

I am not impressed with Obama, but...he can recite the heck out of a written speech! And also accurately parrot the words of his advisors. Someone like this comes along once in a lifetime! However, original ideas do not exist. He is nothing more than a high level salesmen with a winning script. So for me, this convoluted response is not surprising. How can the U.S 'stick to law' when the law has already been broken? His administration is infringing on the basic (dare I say 'human') right to privacy for thousands of Bahamians. But of course, the Bahamas and Bahamians are irrelevant to the almighty USA. Any Bahamian that holds this man in high esteem should be having second thoughts! He is not at all what he was cracked up to be!

ispeakthetruth says...

So it takes a glorified 'ambulance chaser' who takes on baseless cases as long as it opposes the government, to let PIntard know that Christie does not have a case? And Christie is a little more absurd because as a politician of 40+ years, Prime Minister no less, he should have much thicker skin. Allegations are made against politicians all the comes with the territory.

ispeakthetruth says...

"The Hon Philip “Brave” Davis (PLP-Cat Island), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works" is destined to be the next leader of the Bahamas?

I don't know what to say to this...other than I hope I misunderstood and if not, that this is not the general consensus of Bahamians. The next leader (whatever party) should not be so mired in scandals that his first step toward leadership has to be apologies for multiple infractions. Electing him as leader would be asking for (more) trouble.

On Keeping the dream alive

Posted 15 April 2015, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

ispeakthetruth says...

I don't think Mr. Lightburn is serious. He must be closely affiliated with an MP...a relative, spouse or lover. Because his suggested increase sounds outlandish. If the MPs should make that much, what does he suggest for the PM and the Ministers?

How can he seriously advocate for such a huge bump in salary for these MPs without outlining what they are going to do differently, more efficiently, and beneficial for Bahamians that would make them worthy of this? What measures of accountability and persecution will they receive for breach of the public trust, and misuse of funds? As it stands these issues quickly become distant memories for the public, courtesy of these MPs.

Considering what the US President makes with all of his responsibilities, critcisms and income tax responsbilities...these MPs would make almost half of his net salary with very little responsibility and zero accountability. At least the US President and others can be challenged, and the information is available for those feeling the need to do so. Bahamian politicians are too thin skinned...criticism, gossip, public disdain comes with the territory. Perhaps politics is not for some of them?

On Increase MP salaries & allowances

Posted 14 April 2015, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal