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ispeakthetruth says...

I think Fred Mitchell has been pretty vocal and consistent on LGBT issues. I don't think he needs to amp it up at all, because it will not change the minds, hearts or votes of anyone. He should however, continue to speak up when he feels it neccessary, as he has been doing. Because pushing an idea on the closed minded and the stubborn, won't work. Only time, and the changing demographics of voters from old to young (i.e conservative to moderate or left voters) will do this. The increasing acceptance of LGBT lifestyle, that we can all agree is happening, is telling of this inevitable change. Who knows the time for LGBT marriage rights could be now, a year, five or ten depends on the voting demographics and not outspoken political leaders.

ispeakthetruth says...

Fred Smith likely re-publicized this story via a congratulatory message, knowing the emotion it could spark from certain corners, and not because he was sincerely pleased. LGBT marriage rights (they have all other rights, so I won’t call it LGBT rights) is an emotive issue for some. I think this is what Mitchell finds disingenuous...and I agree.

ispeakthetruth says...

If he exposes "official x" in the BEC bribe then, that's something. If he is going to pour water on a sinking ship, it means nothing other than he is less than that. To 'expose another scandal' is as pointless as he is proving to be; because the PLP seems to be on track to bury themselves. No assistance needed.

Voters need to know who the serious candidates are...playing 'gotcha' politics does not (or should not) accomplish that end. If he wants to be taken seriously he should not be competing with The Punch. At the same time, people should stop falling for the rhetoric, and look for substance in the words and actions of these politicians. Because this...does not mean anything.

On Minnis: We will expose another scandal

Posted 1 April 2015, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ispeakthetruth says...

The government is also responsible for our illegal immigration process, not Ms. Butts. However, if she wants to insert herself into the matter, she could at least appear neutral, for now, on a process that she has yet to observe. Because she is not, isn't she the one judging?

I am not sure of the other issues you addressed concerning this lady, or Bahamians wanting US I will withhold commentary on that until I do. See how that works?

ispeakthetruth says...

I know I shouldn't. But I am really responding to give the others readers of these comments an alternative to the biased, logic defying, commentary of Voltaire and the others.

ispeakthetruth says...


ispeakthetruth says...

Voltaire, Illegal immigration is no "bogey man" it is very real. To what extent does the problem exist? That is the only answer that evades us because illegals are not documented and unaccounted for, and the attempts to do so are met with "noise" from people like yourself. What reports have you seen to suggest the opposite of the impact of illegal immigration? The only academic attempt on the issue that I have read "the stigma of being Haitian in the Bahamas" actually confirmed that illegal immigrants heavily utilize public hospitals, and the education system.

Also, based on the number of intercepts, common sense would dictate that those who get away are more numerous because of our inadequate border protection. Even the US confirmed that human trafficking was an issue. The fact that the Bahamas is a developing nation, with limited resources, also Implies our inability to sustain thousands more who come illegally, be it five or fifty thousand. The country can barely sustain those who are here legally, thanks to inadequate governance. I would like nothing more than for this issue to be a false cry, but I doubt it. The nation seems to be imploding from all angles, and this is a major one.

Also, I would have no problem with this lady weighing in if she spoke to both sides of the issue, including the issue of human trafficking to and through the Bahamas. And discussing ways the US would help the Bahamas in that regard.

ispeakthetruth says...

I personally hope that she is not confirmed. She is running off her mouth before she is aware of facts. She should stay in the US and encourage America, first and foremost, to "adopt fair, humane, and transparent practices” related to minorities.

Here she is talking about concerns of activists and the Haitian mention of concern for the Bahamian community and how illegal immigration is placing a massive strain on the country...but she is nominated to be US ambassador to Bahamas. She should have been nominated for US Ambassador to Haiti since she is so concerned about them.

ispeakthetruth says...

LGBT people, of course, should have the right to marry. Will it happen now, on its own? I don't know. But sneaking it in a gender equality referendum is not the way to do it. I forsee legal battles, on either side. Because, like other issues in our constitutuon, it will not be clearly defined. This would simply be adding confusion, when we should really be correcting any vague or outdated laws with clarity and consideration of our current situation.

ispeakthetruth says...

Wow, a college degree but she had to work at Wendy's! I don't blame the government for her selfish and tragic action, but even if that degree was in PE or general studies or something like that, she should have been able to find something more lucrative.

This is sad, but I wished she had decided on another course of action even though her situation seemed dire. She could have absolutely left the kids alone.

On Despair at death of family

Posted 24 March 2015, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal