Comment history

jacko says...

lol yall is a bunch of sheeps anything this gov say yall go with ,no dam balls

On Bid to intercept letters, emails

Posted 13 February 2017, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

jacko says...

Perry Christie will come on the stage and say to these plp fools and shout "I have change the boundary to reflect the ancestral history of a major part of the constituency" and the crowd will go wild !lol this is the best Perry could do !lol #votetheyassout

On Turnquest: Changes to Montagu are shameless

Posted 13 February 2017, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

jacko says...

bell and Nottage dnt care they have their firearms on their side 24/7 .

jacko says...

must likely he watchn that officer butt !lol, leave the officers alone

jacko says...

the people are voting NO because yall lie to them the last time !SMT

On ‘Stop same-sex scare tactics’

Posted 13 May 2016, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

jacko says...

In July 2014, it was revealed that Mr Wells, then parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works, had signed the LOI to have a waste-to-energy facility built at the city dump without Cabinet approval. Despite the brewing controversy, both Mr Wells and Prime Minister Perry Christie remained quiet on the issue,some of yall fnm's &plp's so dam lost ,yall cant see aint nothing will come out of this LOI matter ?is that the only thing yall could use aginst Mr.Minnis and Mr.Wells ?yall get a life ,Go ask brave about it !SMFT

jacko says...

LMAOO This Gov is so dam lost on everything

jacko says...

Ammm today is Tuesday guys ,so there is a war going on

jacko says...

This the best of us rite here ,sit behind the key boards while we getting the stick !wake dam up Bahamains !smt

jacko says...

Charge VAT on alcohol and cigarets pls !oh by the charge VAT on all criminals who found guilty ,and those given bail before they pay their lawyer .