Comment history

jamani2 says...

He is right. Astute comments from someone who I hope our country will not "throw away", ignore, or force into leaving the country.

jamani2 says...

You know this for a fact? Let's let God be the judge. Now, you and I have our opinions. However, It makes no sense playing politics in times like these, my friend.

jamani2 says...

Shared sacrifice! That's all.

To whom much is given, much is expected in return.

This is not about politics. I can care less about red or gold.

jamani2 says...

The prime minister is absolutely 100% right! In times like these we all need to make sacrifices, if you are a Bahamian. And what is true for regular Bahamians is also true of wealthy ones.

jamani2 says...

But, I don't think that is the main point. The point is--again--why would WE want to risk polluting OUR environment, when our livelihood depends on the environment?

Makes no sense to me, whatsoever!

On US call to halt Bahamian oil

Posted 20 April 2020, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

jamani2 says...

It is a pithy that the call to not drill in our waters have to come from outside of our country. This is the most preposterous idea to have ever been approved by governments of the Bahamas. Let me put it to you this way: take away the pristine beaches and clear crystal waters of the Bahamas and what do you have? what's our number one industry?

Makes no sense!

On US call to halt Bahamian oil

Posted 20 April 2020, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

jamani2 says...

That church needs to be closed down by the state.

On 109 people living in church arrested

Posted 30 March 2020, 6:46 p.m. Suggest removal

jamani2 says...

Plain unacceptable on the part of the two leaders. When since you need an invitation or a title to help your fellowman/woman?

jamani2 says...

Good for you! The comment was not meant to inflict guilt. God knows our heart!

jamani2 says...

It is very easy to criticize. Ask yourself: "What I'm I doing?"