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jammydodger says...

It's incredible that UB with all its clever people can't even get their science right. Vaccinated people are just as able to spread the virus, indeed even show higher viral loads, and so this policy makes no sense.

On University revises COVID policy

Posted 8 September 2021, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

jammydodger says...

There are many esteemed scientists, pathologists, MDs who have spoken out about the the current mishandling of the pandemic and have faced complete censorship. The US government has spent billions on marketing propaganda rather than on researching treatments and prophylaxis for COVID.

On The scourge of disinformation

Posted 2 September 2021, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

jammydodger says...

For those who say Ivermectin doesn't work you need to review The Argentinian clinical study in a hospital of frontline workers (doctors and nurses) was particularly compelling. 788 who took ivermectin = 0 infections; 407 of the control group = 58% infection rate. What is there to lose? Let's just try it for God's sake. It will save lives!…

On Reaching immunity

Posted 23 July 2021, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

jammydodger says...

Instead of just vaccinating he can use other methods to bring people into the herd and prevent hospitalization, such as using repurposed antivirals such as ivermectin and fluroquene which have proven efficacy and are being used in other countries effectively. Theresa Lawrie’s meta study on Ivermectin’s published on 17 June concludes “Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.” It is also super cheap to administer.

jammydodger says...

Disney knew precisely how to operate in our country, and did just what the Bay Street Boys did back in the day, pay off the right people, spray money around like confetti to get MPs, select pastors and their cronies into the bag. And we only have ourselves to blame so that plantation tourism continues to thrive. Shame on us.

jammydodger says...

Disney is a classic example of the plantation model that our pigmy leaders still subscribe to. One Eleuthera Foundation had a much superior product with full time jobs for a spectrum of opportunites, rather than a few part-time low wage paying jobs. And if you Eleutherians think you getting much from those contracts, think again. The US company that the US Embassy lobbied for, got the job. And for the lucky few that do get contracts, thanks, you have screwed it for your children. Just check how Disney treats its employees elsewhere. They ain checkin for us and the Disney supporters have either been tricked or bought out.

On Disney key to South Eleuthera 'survival'

Posted 2 August 2019, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

jammydodger says...

Sorry, but you are misinformed. There were plenny Bahamians waiting to invest, the money for the acquisition and for the development of the site were already raised. Unfortunately it was under contract and the Government got paid off somehow, cos Disney aint doing nothing but for themselves and the US Embassy was putting pressure on our Government for that US company that got the $400mil contract to build the dock. So no, bad deal.

jammydodger says...

There were better proposals on the table with OEF which would have created twice as many full time jobs across the spectrum, not just a few seasonal low end jobs.