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jboo says...

If the union and workers feels like it's OK to resort to sabotage because the business is trying to cut cost and pass those savings onto consumers then they deserve to be fired. They're are other ways to resolve these disputes. Consumers are tired of being Punished for these union disputes with blackouts and damaged appliances. All these blackouts are causing business to lose thousands in revenue, wasting Bahamians time with traffic lights being off causing traffic jams, causing business to close early and have to let employees go home because they cannot work. Businesses should not have to buy generators to run their businesses because they are paying for a service. And sadly Bahamians never compensated when they lose appliances, or lost revenue due to blackouts. Unions are now becoming more of a nuisance and hindrance to progress in this country.

On BPL unveil job cuts

Posted 20 April 2018, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

jboo says...

When price control goes out the window, so does your business. Most bahamians cannot afford brand new cars anymore, it isn't viable. Your car depreciates by 10% as soon as its off the lot. Then with all the bad roads, bad drivers, hurricanes, etc. your car will end up in the junk yard in 10 years or less. Think about it, spend $40,000 on a new car which will last you 10-15 years or buy a used car in good condition for $8,000 that will last you 5-7 years. With $40,000 you can get roughly 4-5 used cars with 5-7 years of use ea

jboo says...

When price control goes out the window, so does your business. Most bahamians cannot afford brand new cars anymore, it isn't viable. Your car depreciates by 10% as soon as its off the lot. Then with all the bad roads, bad drivers, hurricanes, etc. your car will end up in the junk yard in 10 years or less. Think about it, spend $40,000 on a new car which will last you 10-15 years or buy a used car in good condition for $8,000 that will last you 5-7 years. With $40,000 you can get roughly 4-5 used cars with 5-7 years of use each.

On Price controls ‘out window’ with WTO

Posted 19 April 2018, 9:59 p.m. Suggest removal

jboo says...

Why do we fight every single progress that comes our way. If we had done LNG a decade ago then maybe BEC would've been in a better addition to afford Solar. We have to do something and obviously solar isn't happening right now. I mean installing solar on a residential house is around $15,000. Lets just build the new plant, switch to LNG, finally get rid of the 50+ year old diesel generators and ease the strain on the Bahamian people with lower bills and stable electrcity. Then after a couple years we can phase in some solar technology. All this fear mongering needs to stop.

jboo says...

Yes there is a "do not disconnect' list but that information is private. Some may be politicians but they are citizens first and citizens have a right to privacy. Whoever is on the list is not the business of the Bahamian people because of what purpose what that serve? Bahamians just like drama and gossip. It doesn't matter who is on the list, the bright side is this corrupt practice has been discontinued and everyone will be treated fairly. Pay what you owe! And for those people who are saying Hon.Dr. Hubert Minnis shouldn't decide who's light stays on or off obviously the light in their brain has cut off.

On The secret elite who owe BPL thousands

Posted 19 September 2017, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal