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jcf says...

This story is a disheartening one. I had the fortunate opportunity to meet and spend a brief period of time with this giant of a Bahamian man and i thank god for the opportunity. He was dedicated, committed, respected and obviously discriminated against. The time has come in the modern day Bahamas when we as Bahamians (including naturalized) must do all we can to discourage discrimination based on race, creed, sex, political/religious belief, civil/social status etc. This appears to be a clear example of political discrimination. There are many Bahamians today who are facing discrimination. The list include persons born in the Bahamas but to non Bahamian parents; this is most unfortunate and despicable especially considering the fact that as a young nation 2 out 3 Prime Ministers, Governor Generals and numerous MP's were born to foreign parents. Yet 'non of them" did enough to resolve the issue of discrimination against "Bahamians" born to non Bahamian parents. Yet most of us sit around and say and do nothing except politicize the situation to "party" advantage every 5 years. It appears clear that the goose is as bad as the gander and non did enough to restore "brother Moxey's" rightful place in this Bahamas; as non did anything to discourage discrimination against "Bahamians" born to non Bahamians parents. It is time for a transformation. We need real People Power