Comment history

jj830 says...

Wow, it's always amazing to see Monday morning quarterbacks like you jump in with your "snark" level set to Max. While I do not support any type of excessive force I at least have spoken to personnel at the police collage who have shown me that officers are trained to use the baton on areas like the back of the thigh that are heavely muscled. It's not as if you can stop a flailing person from moving just to hit said areas and its not as if in a struggle a suspect will remain peaceful/ controllable so that you will always will be able to hit these areas consistently. I guess the best way to describe it is trying to catch and put a hyper 4 year old in the tub's not easy and for the record I think it's time we start looking closely at the person who resist arrest on a daily basis. As far as I am concerned, if I have done nothing I have no reason to resist and the matter can and will be cleared up. Why is it that a criminal can act like a complete jackass and fight an officer doing their job to the point of injuring an officer but, the police are immediately crucified by persons such as yourself who has no idea what justifiable force is?

jj830 says...

Ha, I see what you did there!

On JUST IN - Wanted man captured

Posted 9 February 2013, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal