Comment history

jlcandu says...

I don't think this is tasteless at all. It is an artist's impression of the current mentality that exists in this country by most thinking Bahamians. Excellent job!!!

jlcandu says...

Dr. Smith,

I do not agree with your comments. Since COB is funded to a large degree by taxpayers' money, YOUR institution is accountable to the people. I agree with ondrap4 -- with a FOIA, we would have access to the report anyway. Also, you sound like the PLP with the press -- whenever the PLP is in opposition, they praise the press. When they are in government and are reported on, they claim the press is not reporting the truth. The press reports current events -- that's their job!!! If you can't take any criticism, then you need to step down from your position.

COB has been in "becoming a university" mode over the last 20+ years. It is because of the inept Board of Directors and political meddling in the institution's affairs that have prevented past qualified presidents of performing their jobs and in most cases, ending their contracts prematurely.

I suggest you stop shooting the messenger and concentrate on the gross mismanagement within your institution. That goes for you too Birdie!!!

On Building tertiary education

Posted 19 October 2015, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Ah Birdie, you never disappoint. That Gold Rush Kool-Aid must be good!! Nobody is denying the children of Rum Cay a proper school -- the problem is the horrendous cost for a half dozen children. Any idiot could tell you there is something WRONG with this contract!!! I suggest you come out in the Sunshine for a while and lay off the Kool-Aid!!!

On Rum Cay repairs to include four new structures

Posted 10 September 2015, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Christie will be running again -- he likes the microphone and tv too much not to!!! Davis and Wilchcombe know that there is no way in hell that they will be able to run against Christie in convention and win. Despite Mr. Smith's assertions, Mr. Christie commands the votes of the majority of the stalwart councillors, and they will vote Christie back in despite this poor country going to hell.

On Leadership worry for PLP convention

Posted 10 September 2015, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

While I do not have a problem with providing proper facilities for school children, $500,000 for 9 students???? That doesn't make any sense, no matter how the PLP is trying to spin it!!! Renovate the school including the bathrooms. Instead of investing in a library, how about hooking up to the internet, which is a fraction of the cost??? If the principal and teacher need a lunchroom, then build a small kitchen onto the existing structure. This is only another waste of taxpayers money going into a PLP supporter's pocket. Minister Fitzgerald should be ashamed of himself for this gross mismanagement of the people's money!!!!!

On Rum Cay repairs to include four new structures

Posted 9 September 2015, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Yeah, BS Mr. PM!!! I agree with Mrs. Butler-Turner -- another waste of public funds for the PLP election machine.

jlcandu says...

I hope Mr. Izmirlian names and shames all the worthless politicians who are getting kickbacks, contracts, etc from this mega project. The PM better be careful with his threats because he may be red-faced by the time Izmirlian is finished with him and the rest of his PLP bunch!!

The top Chinese bosses of CCA are already being investigated by the FBI, so guess where the investigation will come next once they start singing and ratting out all of thieves involved in this project in the Bahamas??? This is better than tv!!

jlcandu says...


You have truly hit the nail on the head about Bahamians. We wouldn't be in this current mess called the Bahamas in 2015 and heading over a steep cliff if more of them would have stood up for what is right and proper. Too many cowards in this society and not enough people to unite and fight.

jlcandu says...

Hmmm ... No comment from Birdie. I guess the shame is too much to handle, eh Birdie??

jlcandu says...

Amen and well said!!!