Comment history

jo says...

"McKenzie, 28, pleaded guilty to an attempted murder charge in a plea agreement with the Crown and is now on three years probation on condition that she does not get in trouble with the law and gets help.."

So basically the courts just shook their finger at her and said "bad lady" after they tapped on her on the wrist. Tomorrow I'm going to attempt to rob a bank and when I get in front of the judge I will give them "puppy eyes" and say I stayed up all night watching Oceans 11-13. Don't worry folks, after a stern talking from the judge I will be so shaken in my boots, I won't be able to speak.

On Woman admits trying to burn son alive

Posted 23 May 2013, 6:24 p.m. Suggest removal

jo says...

Tal is busy looking for new pictures of HAI

On MP demands answer on PLP pledge

Posted 8 May 2013, 6:24 p.m. Suggest removal

jo says...

In both pictures the Tribune has posted of this little boy, he does not look happy at all. Poor baby, may he rest in peace.

On Charges due 'soon' over death of boy

Posted 3 May 2013, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

jo says...

If you notice someone is following you, never ever go home! Stay on the main roads in well lit areas and go to the police station! If possible try to get as much information about the car and/or the driver as you can (ie car color, car model, license plate, sex of driver). BoopaDoop comment about calling someone and staying on the phone with them until help arrives is great advice as well. Thank God he was not seriously injured and his mother arrived after the thief left. Although all of this could have been avoided, take this as a very valuable lesson Mr. Smith

On Tribune worker victim of crime

Posted 3 May 2013, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

jo says...

"You people are all so fast in judging and none of you where there - meaning none of you know really what happened ... very impressive!"
...and unless you were there, the same applies to you as well.

"The final judgement is not made..."
If an investigation is still ongoing how are they able to decide so quickly that no one will be charged? THAT is the problem.

jo says...

Many would say the same about the PLP party. Should we count on them to dismiss themselves then?

On Roberts calls on FNM to dismiss Minnis

Posted 29 April 2013, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

jo says...

"Everything was fine when I first got there. I was talking with some of the workers and even gave them some money for drinks. I was explaining to them about the group I was associated with and they were open to it."

Why is he giving them money for drinks? Bribing perhaps? I find it hilarious that he claims to have been in such fear of his life but he had time to pull out his cell phone and record a short video before he left the premises.

jo says...

He basically gets a year for each charge. Ridiculous! I would like to see us dig deeper and investigate who is supplying these drugs and where they are coming from! You take down one drug dealer and 2 more pop up in his place.

jo says...

A shareholder is only interested in how much money the company is making. They don't care about foreign vs native workers and who gets paid what because quite frankly, that isn't their responsibility. You would be surprised at how much money some of these big companies throw away because they don't want to make changes in certain areas.

On Shock over immigration staff swoop

Posted 27 April 2013, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

jo says...

Yes I understand that but I posted the link because I saw several comments of people basically saying "Oh no, now the tourists are going to go home and tell everyone not to come!", when these tourists are actually saying applauding what was done. Every time something happens that's all I hear "Now the tourists are going to tell everyone not to come!". I guess that's what happens when you allow yourself to become a slave to tourism.

A few people (who I guess actually work at Atlantis) have stated that what was reported didn't actually happen the way it did and that there are indeed Bahamian trainers who are not only capable of doing the job but they in fact had to teach this trainer in question because she had no prior knowledge. If this is true, why would you pay for a permit in this instance, especially if she is no longer working with the sea lions?

Also I saw earlier where you wrote that Bahamar and Atlantis have both stated that they need to permits for waiters and painters. I will admit, I'm a bit ignorant in both areas but exactly how much "skill" is exactly needed for these jobs? These aren't exactly high paying jobs correct? For the record, I'm not against permits (if they are actually needed) but I do feel as though sometimes we bet against ourselves because we feel as though we are incapable.

On Shock over immigration staff swoop

Posted 27 April 2013, 3:41 a.m. Suggest removal