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joey says...

there was more black out under Mr Miller than any other chairman in the history of BEC, if you go back and check all the news paper articles his name and this government term will come up more than any other name ever. Go sit down Leslie Miller and pay your big BEC bill.

On Miller blasts govt over BPL

Posted 12 September 2016, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

joey says...

The FNM needs money and lots of it. I'll tell you why. The PLP will have plenty money from the number boys, people like Ruffin and Nygard,even though Nygard may not be as generous this time around.The PLP will have a party everyday starting with carnival, their constituency offices will have lots of prizes and surprises. Free music, food and drinks will be in abundance daily.They will have more paraphernalia, flags, jackets ,caps and other goodies than they had the last time.They will also have their long time Chief campaign financier in the likes of Franky Wilson to get the funds together. The only person who can match him on the FNM side is Brent Symonette. Even if the long time big donors from the FNM give they will give small, to play it safe just in case the FNM pull off a win. They will not give a Hubert Minnis led FNM more than a Hubert Ingraham or a leader of their liking.

joey says...

Only Bahamians can be straw vendors or owners,all others must have a work permit. Really? Are we giving work permit to people to work in the straw market? What a shame, are there no Bahamians who can do this type of work? Shame, shame.

joey says...

The carnival organizers didnt think this through, Exuma regatta is April 23rd- 26th most people will be going there. Plane ticket is about $180,room and board is another $200 and food and beverages is where you put me.I dont know where these people will get money at the end of the month to buy carnival costumes.We shall wait and see.

On Carnival costume sales sluggish

Posted 8 April 2015, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

joey says...

Think about it.leslie Miller has made a bad situation worst at BEC.last year he send back rental generators because it was costing to much money, we end up having the worst summer in living memory,now he is negotiating with the same company to get the generators back.This man is a total reck.He brags about how much money he saved the corporation on overtime, but we have yet to see any financial statements or audits to prove this,he just keep throwing out these million dollar numbers.I see a major improvement to the head office and parking lot at the administration building, but the money need to be spend on technical areas.We will continue to have power outage for extended hours once Leslie Miller is at the Helm.

joey says...

The thing about this whole situation is the pot calling the cattle black. I say this because here is 1000 workers in the union holding the country back and here is this one chairman holding the country back with his million dollars non serviceable loans that he obtain through the peoples bank for his fail business ventures, and to go along with it his six figure light bill that he owes the same corporation that he heads while receiving a six figure salary .All of this going to the chairman who has one house to maintain while the1000 ordinary worker want something go to 1000 different homes, yet the chairman insist the ordinary workers don't give a darn about the Bahamian people ,but he does .

joey says...

The proof of the pudding will be in the eating if this government is serious about sending these people back home.We already see the lack of planning by the decrease in the budget for immigration.We also see that the government just increasing the facilities space to house illegal imiggrants in a humane manner.We see no doubling of the the man power only the random numbers of officers that are hired yearly.This government will have to prove with facts year over year how many illegal imiggrants has been repatriated,starting from when the detention center was first intoduced in the 1990's.Only then will this exersice not be seen as a smoke screen and a deflection from their lack of leadership and bad governance.You can have the best policy in the world,but you also have to put your action where your mouth is for your policy to be effective.

joey says...

Fuel surcharged at BEC use to be charged based on the international market value like gas stations charge you when you full your tank with gas at the station. So when oil was$147 a barrel at its highest we were told fuel surcharge has to go up at BEC, we understood that and accepted that. Now there is a sudden policy shift in the way they charge the customer fuel surcharge. BEC according to the chairman is now charging you fuel surcharged based on how much they burn which could vary from time to time based on how their generators are maintained. Imagine going to the gas station fueling up and because their pump wasn't working or calibrated properly they give you more gas than they suppose to. Do you think they should charge for that?well that's what is happening at BEC and someone in authority head should roll for this hack up.

joey says...

An increase in fuel surcharged because of fuel burned rather than what is payed for it is major policy shift from the way BEC charges.Never before has Bec calculated its rate this way.The public has always been told that because of thd price of oil on the internationl market wich is now under $100 is how we are charged.For the first time we are paying higer prices for less power. Someone head needs to get chopped of for this mess.

joey says...

Mr Miller is a one man recking crew.How the hell my light bill could go up and my current goes off 15 times a day when do I get a chance to use this fuel ? When oil was $147 a barrel we never payed this much.This is the worst summer ever in the history of the Bahamas.