Comment history

johnd says...

dont you folks know that cooming soon means 5 years from when they put the billboard up just watch the new police station get started and finished lol 2029

johnd says...

the patients have been running the [ass]ylum for to many years

On Free to have our opinions

Posted 29 July 2024, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

johnd says...

what a stupid statement almost every day on and around the gulf coast of Alabama there is probably 500 or more celebs and sports people dumas

johnd says...

Bahamians only work 2 hrs. per week the first hr. is when they come to work on Monday and tell there colleagues what a great weekend they had and the second hr. is when they are leaving work on a Friday and tell there colleagues what a great weekend they are going to have

johnd says...

once again the editor prints a piece of unadulterated crap without checking any of the facts or figures i guess he wants trump to win

On Biden has been bad for Bahamas

Posted 6 March 2024, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

johnd says...

so once again you all dig a hole and throw out unbelievable figures according to Chester the clown this project will bring in when it opens in 2025 [ thats a laugh ] these 16,500 yearly tourist each year for the next 23 yrs they will spend $ 423,000 each to bring in a projected 156 billion dollars you really do think everybody is is dumber than you Chester

On A Legendary beginning

Posted 8 December 2023, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

johnd says...

and you expect any Bahamian government to wait 26 years for this Ponzi scheme to fill up in the last 26 mins they have already spent tens of thousands they havent collected yet though the vast number of taxes they have out there

johnd says...

welcome to FTX part two

johnd says...

carbon credits another ponzi deal in the making

johnd says...

the Bahamas govt have decided not to bring back the death penalty the have found it is really not needed they just make sure bail is allowed for murderers and guarantied they are summerly executed in a vey short time with very little cost to the government