Comment history

jusscoolin says...

The Bahamian people have suffered much too long . We cannot continue to go on like this in this small country. Will someone out there please have some kind of heart!

jusscoolin says...

Known Mr.Valdes for a while here in Freeport.It's good that he's turned his life around and doing something constructive . But. I hope his past don't come back to bite him on his behind! I'm having an uneasy feeling about this.

On Man fired from BAMSI may sue for $100,000

Posted 15 April 2015, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

jusscoolin says...

I don't care about any stats on cable from there, here or anywhere . What happens then , if God forbid some act of terrorism on power supplies fed? Then where does that leave the Bahamas. We have to be smarter than this people's. We have to start learning how to stand on our own feet.

jusscoolin says...

I give credit for the DNA and Mr. Miller for making a donkey's behind out of themselves. Do you realize how long this cable will have to be ? How much strain will have to be supplied to push ( into N.P.not the Bahamas). And what happens if a piece of that cable becomes damage? How long will it take to just find the damage not to mention repair it. Get our heads out the sand people and try and stand on our own two feet! There is no way in the year 2015 the Bahamas should be in the state it's in .Every Island should have had it's own alternative energy supply by now. With all the money that have been wasted by our GovernmentS!

jusscoolin says...

Right now! I don't know who the hell to trust . The Bahamian people have been greased up too many times.

On Baha Mar ‘won’t open before June’

Posted 13 April 2015, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

jusscoolin says...

I can tell u duppy pure Laziness!

jusscoolin says...

The real question is .Were there monies allocated for insurance purposes ? If so, where did it go ? Or did it go up in smoke with the rest of the building.

jusscoolin says...

Yea ! and I guess you wanna Sue too aaa! Poor excuse of a company.

jusscoolin says...

There's a lot of Clowns and Jokers in the house to go around . Why do they need a headliner ,much less carnival!

On Still no headliner for carnival

Posted 3 March 2015, 2:34 a.m. Suggest removal

jusscoolin says...

The government will only succeed in tripling the Obituaries section of this newspaper. Funeral homes will become billion dollar companies!