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jusscoolin says...

If it wasn't bad for the Bahamas .Yahoo has a post on " The Worst Caribbean Ports of Call for Cruises. Guess who's number one and two? Check it out (… ) .

On QC: Port requires ‘economic Viagra’

Posted 11 December 2014, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

jusscoolin says...

Breaking News! Daphne Campbell, a Florida state representative of Haitian descent, who called for a boycott of the Bahamas has actually failed . Out of the 1364 comments posted on an article by Yahoo " Bahamas fends off critics over new migrant rules". The majority were for The Bahamas on immigration rules and actions (… ) Bahamians are sick and tired of what's going on here and American's feel the same way. We have too check the comments it's very encouraging!

jusscoolin says...

As a Bahamian I do not agree with the statements that she made . But I do like the passion and fire she has not just for her Haitian people, but for the people she represents. And I must say by watching Mrs. Campbell on Youtube she's a pretty intelligent lady, I can see why she was chosen to represent. I think she means well for her people, but was out of line with the boycott. Just watch Mrs. Campbell in action ( Rep. Daphne's Assault on Women ) on youtube. Rep. Daphne Campbell speaks in favor of restricting women's rights. Mrs Campbell also knows the law , but sadly she's been asked by the Feds about breaking them!

jusscoolin says...

100% correct those cranes are much too low. everyday I watch planes fly right over them. But like you said at night it's poorly lit. So lets let the Experts handle that!

jusscoolin says...

even though you fell asleep during redistricting hearing!…

jusscoolin says...

She's just looking for attention!

On Florida politician calls for boycott of Bahamas

Posted 12 November 2014, 12:35 a.m. Suggest removal

jusscoolin says...

Daphne Campbell, Daphne Campbell, with the last name Campbell I would most surely think that Mrs. Campbell is boycotting her own country men! She should really think before she speaks! We should check this out (…) Daphne Campbell Avoids answering Medicare fraud allegations

On Florida politician calls for boycott of Bahamas

Posted 11 November 2014, 11:55 p.m. Suggest removal

jusscoolin says...

Dr Richard Pinder really a down to earth man of God both for the young and old. Watch on Youtube ( The Kingdom Carriers Exclusive Interview pt 4 ) May his soul rest in peace!

jusscoolin says...

Rudel parks and their son Johnnan was such a vibrant young couple ,so sad. Watch them on Youtube ( Manifest @ Bahamas Relief for Haiti Telethon-CEFKydD1 Tus ) May they rest in peace!

jusscoolin says...

Check out video on Mr Munroe it comforted me a lot. ( Dr Myles Munroe speaks of death on Jeff Koinange live show ) Youtube Check it out! Last month in Africa. He left us empty!


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On PM shocked by death of 'great Bahamian' Munroe

Posted 10 November 2014, 10:01 p.m. Suggest removal