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justice4all says...

Mister, we are talking about the Bahamas here and not the United States....That is the main thing I can't stand when people compare this little Island to the United States...Our maintenance here is so high, food, clothes, utilities bills, rents, mortgage, not to mention low income pay, so please stop comparing us.

justice4all says...

Bahamians needs to stop complaining, am tired of it...all we do is complain and no action...If the Prime minister and his officials is not doing noting and just causing more harm for the Bahamian people and many others in this country, then we need to make a stand. Everyone needs to make a stand and stand we shall all do, to get him and his officials out, if we want a change, change is not going to come with complaining, actions speaks louder than words. Bahamians there is no time for talks let us Reunite and Stand.