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justmyopinion says...

I have experienced law enforcement officers outside of the Bahamas and a commonality is that they may not always be politically correct, respectful or pleasant. Their job is first and foremost to enforce the law and ensure their own safety in the process.

If this lady was told to go indoors by the officers, her mother's words, as they attempted to apprehend a suspected criminal, she should have complied and watched from the inside for her own safety and theirs. What is clear, whether she exchanged the first insult or blow or not, is that she did not do that.

It is not xenophobic to expect this lady to respect and comply with basic instruction from our law officials. If her lawyer were responsible, or at least sincere, he would not present her as some kind of role model. Together, they are encouraging disrespect and disregard for law officials. If the police respond in can they alone be faulted?