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justtryingtolive says...


justtryingtolive says...

I truly "empathize" with you. This is a phenomenon that successive governments have refused and i repeat, refused to address. They put these persons in certain positions who in some cases are not qualified for the post they hold and then leave them there to wreck peoples career. My question is who evaluates these "bosses"? Or is it that after one has become the boss they're exempted from an evaluation? I work for another government agency where FAVOR and the scratching of backs is what gets you promoted as opposed to the combination of documented qualifications, years of experience, good behavior, meeting the listed requirements and interviewing well. I have watched a person get promoted who didn't meet the qualifications at the least. Just pure FAVOR!! Even after that they showed no interest in developing themselves. So what about folks who take the time to qualify themselves? I really hope a government minister can chime in here. What do persons do who have qualified themselves and return home to contribute to the Bahamas but yet get walked all over by people who don't care in the first instance to qualify themselves? I say the Bahamas isn't serious.... I tell you everyday i regret ever coming back home. a total waste of time!!!!!! Keep your head up soldier!!!!

On Promotion in the RBDF

Posted 23 December 2014, 11:54 p.m. Suggest removal