Comment history

kairosmatt says...

Romi -this is disgusting and embarrassing. You should hang your head and retire.

Why are we charging and enforcing on scientists who are trying to help us understand the value of resources?

And yet if you are coming here to RAPE our resources the door is wide open.

Oil? Do whatever destruction you want. Educate Bahamians? Pay up.

Romi, shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on everyone in the government trying to bleed money from stones.

And what will you lot do with all the money? Revolting

kairosmatt says...

Lol, whatever side of this you are on we can all agree that foreign companies are never held to regulations and will not be held accountable for whatever mess they make

On U.S. business leaders: Stop the drilling

Posted 16 January 2021, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

kairosmatt says...

Wow, since when did they start selling such strong hallucinogens in The Bahamas?

kairosmatt says...

Most of BP's penalties were tax deductable, meaning the clean up was actually paid for by the people whose livelihoods were most affected. What are the odds that BPL pays anything for cleanup in a country like ours??

kairosmatt says...

You wrote that wrong, let me fix it for you:

"Not one scientist hired by an oil company without any peer reviewed oversight has proven that CO2 is the prime cause of Global Warming"

kairosmatt says...

Part of this letter are legit, but the testing is free almost everywhere stateside and widely available.

The five day window is tight and hard to plan for. 3-4 days just to get lab results, 24-48 hours after that to get your health visa approved. Everything has to go perfectly or you can't make the flight. Fortunately most airlines have free rescheduling now. But it's tough to travel anywhere right now

On Five-day rule is not workable

Posted 12 December 2020, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

kairosmatt says...

This is for true. All permits and regulations here take forever to deal with.
Until you bribe someone...hmmmmm.....

kairosmatt says...

Any updates on when the police and defence force are arriving in Abaco? People need help and security desperately.

On PM cautions nation to expect more deaths

Posted 4 September 2019, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

kairosmatt says...

Any updates on when the police and/or defense force will arrive in Marsh Harbour? Heard it's getting dangerous!!

On 'Total devastation' in Abaco

Posted 4 September 2019, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

kairosmatt says...

Well if the government would make it legal to sell back to the grid you wouldn't need batteries because the grid itself would be storage.

It's not that it's dangerous, it's that they want every single Bahamian shackled to their antiquated, oil generating scam that enriches the government.

On BPL’s bills blitz in Family Islands

Posted 20 February 2019, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal