Comment history

karrie says...

This is a great award, the companies who get it can change their caliber, they get a safe spot on the world map and this is no small thing. A lot of companies would love to know more about the management and the strategies of this business. How would a company like this market the <a href="">Dubai packages Dallas TX</a> for instance? What kind of creative idea can be applied to this model of business. There are so many things we would all love to know.

On Bahamian company wins world travel award

Posted 3 November 2016, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

karrie says...

Let's hope that the new project will be implemented with success. Prevention is a lot cheaper than treatment so it's understandable why the taxation system must also play an important role in this matter. Also a wider category of people should afford health insurance. There are some reviews on what health insurance really means on this <a href="">ark insurance</a> resource. It could be very informative for those who want to care for the unpredictable from their future.

karrie says...

It's unbelievable. The forces of nature are something we cannot cope with, not even today when we focus so much on technology and engineering. There will always be floods so we'd better start working on prevention and damage control solutions. There's a list of things one could check on this <a href="http://www.servpropoolesvilleclarksburg…">water damage restoration damascus md</a> resource. People need to know that they can have control on these situations and that they can minimize the damage caused by the floods.

karrie says...

As long as this new factory won't affect the lives of the locals there shouldn't be any problem starting the project. However the developer should be fair enough and inform people about the matter, tell them what a factory like that would mean for their well-being, describe the factory, whether it has <a href="…">industrial dispersing blades</a> or not, inform people about the work perimeter, incidence of noise or any other thing that could affect the neighbors. This would be the right way to go for it.

karrie says...

How is this even possible? The boats should be safe in the harbor, there are authorities responsible of that, people pay taxes to have their boats guarded. The thieve don't just steal boat parts so you can replace them with <a href="…">discount boat parts</a>, they steal entire boats and sometimes they even damage them just to avoid getting caught. Let's hope this will end soon.

On Boat thieves strike again in Abaco

Posted 10 August 2016, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

karrie says...

As long as there's support from the officials the project has stronger chances of success. Since the energy costs are so high right now, it will make a lot of sense to start producing important amounts of energy through solar farms. There are some insightful numbers about it on this <a href="">solar panels Boston MA</a>, you'll find that helpful and informative.

karrie says...

This market review should tell a lot of important things to those who want to invest in this market. There are similar markets out there that have a lot to learn from, the <a href="!contact/c15…">luxury estates in crystal lake illinois</a> is just one example. Things are reshaping on a trend of stability, the real estate field has learned from the past mistakes.

karrie says...

So why a solution that would work for everyone be so difficult to find? A lot of people depend on these businesses, as long as these businesses exist it means there's a demand for them, it means the market needs those tires. Threatening to close the businesses will only bring waves of negative effects in different layers related to this field. How can businesses like the <a href="…">North Vancouver Tires</a> survive? These people could just copy successful business models that go withing their parameters, that would be one way to go.

karrie says...

It seems like the succession of seasons changed in the last years. We can never predict with accuracy what will happen but one thing is for sure the summers are longer and warmer. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why companies like <a href="…">ductless air conditioning burlington ma</a> register growth.

On Solar AC shines for savings light

Posted 27 July 2016, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

karrie says...

Fleas are difficult to deal with. Once your pet has them it's a simple process to get rid of them, one must apply liquid preparation several times before being sure the fleas are all gone. You could find more supporting information about it on this <a href="">exterminator in Tampa</a> resource. When it comes to fleas professional support could be needed.

On Removing pesky fleas

Posted 22 July 2016, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal