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katy says...

No other Caribbean island is experiencing this nonsense, but yet Bahamians quick to say it "better in the Bahamas". If Bahamians would only travel to other Caribbean islands they would realise that they have power for the ENTIRE summer. No power outages and no flickin load shedding.

Politicians always pushing the talk about "it better in the Bahamas" because they want Bahamians to stay here and never go anywhere else. Why? Because if Bahamians saw that other Caribbean islands are actually living more comfortably, then Bahamians will protest and even riot for better treatment and rights.

Almost ALL Caribbean islands are using solar energy as their main source of energy... THE SUN is freeeeeeeee!!!!

Keep the masses ignorant and they stay peaceful and foolish....

The ONLY solution is to start implementing solar in your homes. ALLLLL the politicians are sitting comfortably in their solar energy powered homes while their foolish followers crying that electricity too high.…

katy says...…

Sansoucireader you are so correct, this photo was taken in March 2014 at the exact location of the Andros Agriculture Institute or BAMSI project according to the government.

As you noted "this could be an overgrown piece of untouched land." That is exactly what it is!

katy says...

What kind of journalism is this?!? You would think that media houses would use this opportunity to expose the government on their BS!! Unless they are getting some kickbacks for not exposing the truth and to report "whatever" the Ministers are dishing out!

How hard is it to send a reporter over to Andros to take some pictures and show the people what 30 million dollars bought and a so called 30% completed project looks like?!?!

If there is sooooooooo much progress, where are the pictures?!? Why isn't the government showing pictures? because there is nothing being built!!!! The project site is empty, and will remain empty while they funnel the money to somewhere else aka their bank accounts.

For example, you can clearly see the Bahamas Agricultural & Industrial Corporation (BAIC) progress through pictures on Facebook -…

So let me answer, we are not seeing pictures from the government because their pictures will look like this....

1. May pictures - empty piece of land,
2. June Pictures - empty piece of land,
3. July Pictures - land still empty, no buildings ...AND we need more millions of dollars
Blah blah blah....
till September - We need even more money because we aint finish de project yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Journalists need to step up their game, because just reporting what the Ministers tell you to report isn't helping the Bahamas and its people.

Here's what, seeing that journalists aren't doing their jobs, how about us citizens do it for them? Do you have friends or family in Andros? Let them go over to the project site and take pictures and post them on social media. This project is a scam!

Let me post the first picture, let's keep the ball rolling,…