Comment history

kdlrrl says...

I bet foreign workers could keep the power on - only in the Bahamas baby...

On Doubts over PLP electricity deal

Posted 18 May 2017, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

kdlrrl says...

More of the same - buying votes right before election.
The sad thing is that people too stupid to notice, or even care.

kdlrrl says...

Highest number of Americans in history not employed - don't be fooled.

kdlrrl says...

100 days - last election the PLP promised to clean up crime in 100 days if elected, this along with dozens of other promises that have gone unfulfilled.
The blame rests 100% with the current government, and they have no excuse for failing all Bahamians.
Time for new blood, and a new course for the Bahamas!

kdlrrl says...

Plenty drugs still coming from the Bahamas - everyone is simply to fool to catch them.

On 2% of drugs pass through The Bahamas

Posted 25 February 2017, 7:14 p.m. Suggest removal

kdlrrl says...

Not quite the same at all:

Bahamians smuggle drugs into the US, Bahamians smuggle guns into the Bahamas.
See the difference - Bahamians doing all the smuggling.

On 2% of drugs pass through The Bahamas

Posted 25 February 2017, 7:12 p.m. Suggest removal

kdlrrl says...

Well said - you are a honest man.

kdlrrl says...

These too will go the way of the rest of the boats. 
These boats will be inoperable within a few years just like all the previous craft the Bahamas have had.
No one knows how to keep up with maintenance, and they simply don't care - not their money....

kdlrrl says...

An association is to work for the good of all, and when it does not - you protect yourselves as Abaco's professional fishermen do.