Comment history

kellyrum says...

And still the Foreign Creditors and Expats are left swinging in the wind with zero communication from the Committee as it relates to the monies owed to them.

kellyrum says...

The committee, the bank and the government will be making a huge mistake if in fact this article is true. The negative public relations and financial impact this decision will have will end up costing a substantial amount more in the end if they are not paid in full. You may want to reconsider the outcome of 200 + expats in the hospitality and casino industry and foreign creditors in the USA and other countries sharing their story on how they were treated and the reasons why tourists, companies and vendors abroad should boycott Baha Mar and the Bahamas in general.

kellyrum says...

It's obvious whoever wrote this article does not know all the facts in regards to Mr. Ismirlian. You cannot argue that he is a young business man but decent, honest, and no under the table dealer is a matter of opinion. No matter what the obstacles were he failed in his responsibility to manage the project and successfully open it and is paying the price.

kellyrum says...

Another PR stunt from Sarkis! Once again he is "grand standing" and knowns the bank will not accept his offer. His ego is badly bruised and he is having a difficult time accepting the fact he has failed. Too many lives were negatively impacted by the decisions he made and he does not deserve another chance!

kellyrum says...

On behalf of the expats who were brought in to run the project and better your country let me just say this...enough is enough! We trained the Bahamian people, we opened doors within the business community with creative ideas that were never heard of before, we hired your destitute from the inner city, trained them and gave them an opportunity to better themselves. We worked harder and longer than anyone had ever done before. We packed up our families and moved to your country with great sacrifice and hardship on the promise that we would be able to make a difference in your country for your people. We stimulated your economy with our buying power. Unlike the Bahamians we worked without getting paid to fulfill your dream. No one talks about the money we are owed. When we were told to leave we had to take from our children's college funds and life savings to leave the island and relocate back to the US. The Prime Minister will say anything to keep alive the hope that Baha Mar will open before he leaves office for obvious reasons. The opposition party will Monday Morning Quarterback at any chance in order to solidify their chance for reelection. Enough is enough! We hear about the Bahamian vendors that need to be paid. We hear about the 2000 Bahamians that need to get back to work. We hear about the other 3000 workers that were suppose to be hired. Enough is enough. There are two reasons why Baha Mar failed. It is not the banks fault. It is not the construction company's fault. It is not the goverment's fault. Put the blame where it belongs. Reason #1 - A silver spooned, spoiled brat, nieve developer, who wanted everything his way and would not listen. Reason #2 - A under qualified, over his head, president who lacked the personal conviction to stand up to the developer/owner. He was more concerned with his self-serving interest than what was best for the project, the people, the expats and the country. Enough is enough! There was a time when despicable behavior like this would find these two individuals tarred and feathered, riding backwards on their horse and forced out of town. Enough is enough! Stop blaming everyone who is not at fault and focus your energy where the blame should be.