Comment history

klsum13 says...

JoeBruce: wrong on all counts. 1. Bimini is NOT better off in terms of natural resources. As just one example, there have been drastic declines in marine species of commercial, economic and ecological importance after ~40% of the mangrove shoreline in the North Sound was cleared of mangroves and filled in with dredge material with little to no mitigation measures in place against free-flowing sedimentation. Scientific fact, and I can back it up with data. 2. The idea that there was "absolutely no tourism before the resort was built" is 100% incorrect. The Ministry of Tourism and Department of Statistics keep records of this. Try looking it up. 3. Most of the ~1,700 people on Bimini are NOT supported by Bimini Bay/RW Bimini. The Department of Statistics and Department of Labour keep numbers on that too. Try looking it up. 4. You obviously have no idea who the Bimini Blue Coalition people are, or else you would not be incorrectly guessing that they are some other developer. It is a group made up of concerned Bimini residents and local business owners Not a single developer among them. The only propaganda being spread is by people like you, who posted four straight provably wrong statements, followed by a plea to ignore the truth.

On Judicial Review threat to $150m Genting project

Posted 23 September 2013, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

klsum13 says...

At no point in the development of Bimini Bay has what's best for the natural environment that serves as the foundation of Bimini's tourism been taken into consideration. I lived in Bimini for several years and documented many abuses. Even the developer's own contractor hired to do a project assessment at the previous government's request found egregious violations, including the inability to show permits for most of their dredge and fill activities. The Genting Group is at the center of a similar mockery of what the people of Miami want for their waterfront. If the Government of the Bahamas REALLY has its peoples best interests in mind, it should LISTEN to them. Dozens and dozens of emails from Biminites and beyond have been sent directly to members of government through the Bimini Blue Coalition, pleading for the finalization of the long-promised North Bimini Marine Reserve and the end to Bimini Bay's unsustainable development. listen to the people!…

On Genting in complete Bimini Bay takeover

Posted 20 March 2013, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

klsum13 says...

At no point in the development of Bimini Bay has what's best for the natural environment that serves as the foundation of Bimini's tourism been taken into consideration. I lived in Bimini for several years and documented many abuses. Even the developer's own contractor hired to do a project assessment at the previous government's request found egregious violations, including the inability to show permits for most of their dredge and fill activities. The Genting Group is at the center of a similar mockery of what the people of Miami want for their waterfront. If the Government of the Bahamas REALLY has its peoples best interests in mind, it should LISTEN to them. Dozens and dozens of emails from Biminites and beyond have been sent directly to members of government through the Bimini Blue Coalition, pleading for the finalization of the long-promised North Bimini Marine Reserve and the end to Bimini Bay's unsustainable development. listen to the people!…

On klsum13

Posted 20 March 2013, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

klsum13 says...

Thank you, Tribune, for continuing to shed light on the ongoing campaign to make the Bimini MPA a finalized reality. For anyone intersted in more information, please see the Facebook group page called Bimini's Marine Protected Area Campaign (!/Bimi…).

On klsum13

Posted 14 November 2012, 10:30 a.m. Suggest removal