Comment history

kristelsea says...

Diz is the one corporation who CAN afford duty and VAT... wouldn't affect them adversely at all... the average Bahamian struggles with duty and VAT. So wtf was the idea behind this?

kristelsea says...

“The Tribune was advised an updated version would be sent out. “ – hmmm… wonder how many “versions” of this exist?
“It stipulates that Disney will be exempt from customs, excise and stamp duties on imports and exports of all construction plants, materials, furnishings, machinery, equipment and supplies for the project’s development.” - - so the average POOR Bahamian has to pay duty, stamp tax… on this stuff, but the rich foreigner does not?!! How is this good for the Bahamas? Diz has deep pockets and could easily pay this – already the favors start.
“exempt from real property taxes” “no business licence fees” – WTF? Again, why does the rich foreigner get this and the average joe does not? UNFAIR!!!
“produce at least 30 percent of the energy demand” – even BEC loses out! But on the opposite side of the, we’ve been having load sharing blackouts in the south the last few nights… Does Diz get to have the power re-directed to them too at the cost of the locals?
“heads of agreement even incorporates an anti-corruption clause” SMT!!! Guess that’s AFTER the fact. And enforceable by whom? C’mon!
This whole thing makes me sick!

On Disney’s deal with all the trimmings

Posted 21 March 2019, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

kristelsea says...

The Bahamas will not be able to make a "good" deal with Disney. This is a company who has mastered loop holes and taking what they want, apologizing afterwards, and paying a fine, if necessary. Do you research. See their history. Sure, Disney will allow access to LHP... but you do realize that the ISPS (international Ship and Port Security) will NOT allow access to the site... so Disney can say "Well, we allow it, but ISPS does not"... loop hole number 1. nothing the Bahamas can do about that. Oh, there will be plenty more "gotchas" by Disney... mark my words. In Hong Kong they took all the rocks out of the Tung Chung river to use for their theme park... who'd ever have thought to say, oh Disney, you can't take these rocks? Well, that was illegal (no permit), ruined the natural habitat, caused millions of fish to die, and necessitated 3 fishing villages to have to move.... yep Eleuthera... just you wait... bend over and get screwed by the mouse... it's coming!

kristelsea says...

There is absolutely no logical reason for this to have occurred except that someone(s) has been paid off. One Eleuthera has offered a better plan, providing more jobs, returning this to the country as a national park, and enabling the improved development and income for all of south Eleuthera, plus a trickle down thru the rest of Eleutehera, EVERY ecological organization is against it, 31k signatures against it, your own news papers against it, your own MOT has stated the cruise line industry is NOT good for the Bahamas. In addition, you cannot find a single article online that states a cruise port is good economically or environmentally, The ONLY explanation is foolishness behind our backs. The PM will regret this come election time. South Eleuthera will regret this several years down the road when the Disney half truths start getting exposed. The Bahamas will regret this forever... because, even if this land were to come up for sale after Disney has raped it raw, it will be of little value at that point. So sad and disappointing. These few paid for pro-Disney supporters were uneducated about the overall issue... just sold a bill of goods by Disney and our own government. I feel sorry for them. I hope you enjoy your retirement money, Mr Minnis, because your career will be short lived.

kristelsea says...

Quote from DISNEY from above article: "The only accurate information put out early was we were interested," the Disney Cruise Line chief replied. "Other than that, it was not very accurate". Denny Rankine hosted a "Disney" sponsored meeting in Eleuthera a couple of months back with handouts and food... so... is Denny a liar or is Disney?

On Disney feared for brand over project criticism

Posted 28 September 2018, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

kristelsea says...

Love their statement here: Bahamians would continue to have access "to the full property". --- This could mean it is fenced off by road, but that Bahamians can access it by water... theoretically you would still have access to the full property... by boat. Or... they could charge a fee to access it... how's that work for ya? Disney keeps raking in the $$$. Here's my fear... Disney says something that is basically true... but not what the masses were really thinking.

On Disney feared for brand over project criticism

Posted 28 September 2018, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

kristelsea says...

One Eleuthera is offering jobs. Just as many jobs. I live in South Eleuthera and understand the overall benefit One Eleuthera's Shared Vision will offer to many more Bahamians than anything Disney offers. I work in the tour industry and see the sneaky tactics of cruise lines. Here my words, if Disney is allowed to go ahead with their plans, you will regret it 5 years down the road. All promises made will appear different in reality... Disney has a top of the line Public Relations department and can sell ice to an Eskimo. But they will get away with a lot of BS due to "technicalities" and it will simply be too late. Thank god for the rich people who are supporting One Eleuthera or OE would never have been able to come up with the money to offer on LHP. Isn't Disney just another rich white man telling the Bahamians what to do with their land? Why not let Bahamians uplift Bahamians?

kristelsea says...

On what planet do you believe that all 3000 cruise ship guests will spend $50 each? Check with the stall vendors at Princess Cays and you will find out that some days they don't even make $10 - and these vendors only spend $5 per day for their stall space outside Princess's gate. Cruise ships charge such a high percentage or fee for local vendors to have stalls inside their property that many vendors barely make enough to cover costs. So even IF people spent $50 a day, less than 50% of that goes to the vendor themselves. Educate yourself before you speak.

kristelsea says...

Jobs, jobs, jobs... If you do your research you will realize that a National Park will provide MORE better paid, stable (i.e. 5 days a week), long term jobs than Disney is offering. These jobs will also have benefits. If you're not happy, you have recourse. You can quit and another Bahamian can take your job. If Disney runs the show, they can easily take one of their already paid "cast members" off their ship and put them to work. One Eleuthera (and partners) IS funded and IS able to buy the property. It is only that Disney has already made the offer. (One Eleuthera made offers in the past, but they were not close enough to the asking price.. it is only now that the seller has lowered their price to were OE could actually afford the price). If government says NO to Disney's proposed plans, than Disney will most probably drop their offer. Yes, Disney will provide some jobs... whatever they have to to "meet" their initial promise. But those jobs will decrease in numbers over the years like all of their other locations have. Educate yourselves on what they've done in the past... So many people are willing to be sold a bill of goods without doing the research. Don't just speak in anger or jealousy. Why are so many Bahamians willing to quickly sell out to the rich white foreigner (Disney) before helping build up their own people?

kristelsea says...

This is one piece of real estate that the Bahamas can take ownership of again. Too many prime pieces of property have been sold to foreigners. This piece is breathtaking. It needs to be made into a flagship national park, as Eric Carey commented in his press conference. Eleutherans complain there is no work, they need jobs. One Eleuthera along with bnt, breef and others can provide those jobs - better jobs, more consistent jobs at LHP with their Shared Vision plan. And Bahamians won't be answering to foreigners! Regarding the environment, there is no way a cruise ship port can be made sustainable. NO WAY. 3000+ sun block dripping tourists climbing over the reefs which sit 10' from shore. Impossible. None of this property should be utilized by Disney or any other entity for cruise ship purposes. The Bahamas can do better. Government needs to change their vision. Look to other countries such as Costa Rica and Belize and find a way to promote and utilize your assets - eco tourism is the future - jump on board. Don't give away your prime realestate and then cry later, when it is destroyed and abandoned, as is often the case. When the damage is done and there's nothing left to promote - it will be too late. Don't let it be too late.

On Lighthouse Point protected (well, almost)

Posted 31 August 2018, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal