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laisee says...

Do any of these 'Ministers" realise how this is playing in the canyons of Wall St, or The City? The Bahamas is being viewed as more and more a banana republic. Potential investors will avoid the Bahamas like the plague. As for being a 'guest', if you invest in a country you are no longer a guest, you are an investor with a vested interest in that country. Alsoe aware Chinese money does not come without large strings, just go and ask any number of African countries.

On ‘Psych tests for all developers’

Posted 7 August 2015, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

laisee says...

Nero fiddles, while Rome burns.

laisee says...

The level of journalism is appalling, why doesn't any one ask obvious questions, here are two simple ones:-
1. The PM is not the head of state, his reason for not travelling is a red herring. From the Bahamas Govt website "The Bahamas recognizes Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State. The Governor-General is Her Majesty’s representative in The Bahama"
2. What happened to AMG's assertion of Bahamian sovereignty? Why travel to China, the project is in the Bahamas and subject to Bahamian law the last time I looked.