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larry says...

Hanging is not a deterrent or solution to murder it is the sentence handed down from a judge after a person is convicted of unlawfully taking of a life and should be treated as such.

On Minnis: Hanging must be enforced

Posted 14 August 2015, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

How many times can you appeal the same case after being found guilty in a court of law twice. no wonder the court system is jammed pack

larry says...

Mr. Pinder is genius he helped usher in Value Added Tax and guess what is is the only certified tax attorney he will make millions when he opens his tax law firm simply brilliant

On Pinder quits Minister post

Posted 10 December 2014, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

But how many are on court or police bail for serious criminal offenses without an ankle monitoring device in the schools..

larry says...

All the crime "hot spots" are represented by his colleagues in the governing party you think they are going to allow their base to be "locked down" that would be admitting they represents all the criminals.

On 'It's either them or us' warns security chief

Posted 23 September 2014, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

Immigration office broken into now this at the Bahamas Embassy Haiti see the connection. new policy on immigration coming into affect on 1st November 2014. WE must be on High Alert and why isn't there armed Defence or Police Force officers on 24 hours watch at the Immigration main office

larry says...

It is so sad but a fact that most or all of the crime hot spots areas are represented by the Governing party Cabinet Ministers who have failed their constituents. They are so proud to claim the "grass root" but they do not uplift or educate the people of these areas

On Man shot dead and second victim in hospital

Posted 19 September 2014, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

How many times can someone convicted of a crime appeal a case it appears in the Bahamas as many time since the Bahamian public is paying for the appeal process.

larry says...

" last year a US Coast Guard official in an email to Mr Guumus confirmed the discovery of a wallet with Huseyin's identification 26 miles of Fort Pierce, Florida." is that not evidence that he maid it to the United States come on read and understand Bahamas.

larry says...

this does not smell right there are no students no teacherS and a unfinished building yet there are farms with produce ready to be harvested and full grown animals ready for the slaughter house how did that come to be? Mr. Gray get off them people farm and tell the truth about BAMSI.