Comment history

layinlow says...

While some of us complain about foreigners, look right under your nose. Who buys crawfish, both undersize and out of season? Grouper, out of season? Hunting, out of season?????? We nneed to grow up as a country. Somehow we must legalize & popularize a "citizen's arrest" some effective type of enforcement. Or at the least fine some of the culprits in a fashion that sends a message. If we keep this up............. Well we all know this story. I'm not discounting severely penalizing the foreign or political culprits as well.

layinlow says...

If this were a boxing match, the Bimini Blue Coalition gave a glancing blow. If it takes the US courts to throw a solid left uppercut then we may be calling on Mr. Fred Smith etal to step into the ring with a right to the jaw.............. Come on US Courts let's make it a combined 1,2,3.

On Bimini developer's US appeal in peril

Posted 25 June 2014, 5:51 p.m. Suggest removal

layinlow says...

Maybe one of their penalties should be to contribute $35,000,000.00 to Save the Bays and Bahamas National Trust to be put in a TRUST and used to represent the people in future cases like this blatant disregard for our laws.

layinlow says...

What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They forgot to pay someone ay?

layinlow says...

To distract and soften the public's opinion from this blatant abuse of power by our government a blatant payoff to the people is being offered in the form of a "job fair".

Will this be a "fishing" expedition or a "catching" expedition in Bimini?

layinlow says...

The irony of it all, It takes an outsider and seasoned legal scholar to stand up to our ignorance. 40 years old..............and still in kindergarden. Grow up Bahamas. Politics aside now, we're fighting for our future. You have any idea how many toilets it takes to accommodate 500,000 people. Bimini is in for a rude awakening if this plan comes to fruition. Losing a fantastic reef is a joke compared to what's coming down the pipe. No pun intended.

layinlow says...

An ex- once said "Even when the truth is staring you in the face........Deny deny deny........." neighbor.

layinlow says...

What does he think........ , can't read ay?????????? The hand writing on the wall says, "We demand facts, get your head out of the sand." No more leading the blind.

layinlow says...

What does he think........ , can't read ay?????????? The hand writing on the wall says, "We demand facts, get your head out of the sand." No more leading the blind.

layinlow says...

Proud to be a brother, sheeprunner........ generalc you're a good man I can tell you that. People are seeing the light more and more. Ain't long now before it will be shining from south too north, east to west.