Comment history

leeza says...

I take it that you would prefer a young to sing for his supper then

leeza says...

After reading through the comments, it really makes me smile when I remember the azz whooping that the PLP received in the 1997 election. I for one thought that they were finished, buried never to be resurrected, I was wrong dead wrong. The wrong people the wrong people two parties. I say we are about 400.000 in population the U.S.A. is millions of people how many years now they have been toying between the republican and democrat. Really people I say those persons who supported the DNA last election comprised mostly of the FNM's who thought that they were spiting Hubert Ingraham and his style of leadership and I know that they have regretted that decision and will be voting differently in the upcoming election.
Strangely enough people hated Papa's style he was too strong he felt he could do it on his own, now there is a problem with Minnis he is not aggressive enough. I always look at Jesus' did nothing wrong he told them like it was and yet they crucified him.

leeza says...

Please don't mind the noise in the Market HAI is not coming back that's a rumor started in the PLP camp with the intent to distract those of us from more important issues going on in this administration.

On Senior PLP criticises Mitchell trips

Posted 6 February 2014, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

leeza says...

Those officers who guard the prime Minister are hand picked plp supporters so talk that

On Police probe theft at PM's house

Posted 31 January 2014, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

leeza says...

You were vey disrespectful in that post, and no one called you out on that. People can only insult you when you allow them to don't give them that power.

On FNM: BTC deal is a betrayal

Posted 24 January 2014, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

leeza says...

Now I get it the government is in these fellas back pocket, they have to make it look good cause they don't want that stream to dry up anytime soon.

On Govt says sorry to UBS executive

Posted 16 January 2014, 8:19 p.m. Suggest removal

leeza says...

Well 12 hours come again this time I hope the officers have another voice to cry out on their behalf now that they were able o silence Dwight. If he was set up so was shame with Anna Nicole and he still on his seat. I hope the persons responsible for the witch hunt realize when digging ditches dig and the female complainant get everything she was promised.

leeza says...

Its so sad to see so many people here are actually upset because the immigration officers who happened to be Black Bahamian detained a white rich person who is not Bahamian. If he was black would there be this much outcry. Examine yourselves. You say its not about color and status but it is. Immigration officers continue to do your job. If someone is here in this country,doesn't matter their color or who they claimed to be if until they can produce some document to support their claim to have proper status treat them like every other person in custody. After reading most of your comments her today, your race is screaming oh so loud in my ears yet you claim its not about race, really. Cant believe where some of you went but what inside a person shows up sooner or later.

leeza says...

The church was established in the New Testament but the family came from genesis with Adam and Eve. male, female. Pray tell me what percentage of these men and women attend or even affiliate with any ministry. We have stopped taking babies to be prayed over when they are little. Why because we see these things as small or insignificant. There is so much spiritual significance but then you need to be spiritually connected to appreciate this. there are a lot of children without any type of covering. So now there is no Jesus in the home none in the school and they don't come to church much less bring or send them to Sunday school. What kind of spiritual foundation are these little one growing up with. They are being influenced by the violent video games and other technological devices are the new baby sitters. The don't interact with other children that's why they don't have social skills thus they don't know how to resolve conflicts. We need to start working with the ones who are coming up now because if we don't these fellas will look like saints when they burst on the scene.

leeza says...

So Honestman pray tell me how do we declare all out war on these armed hoodlums, waiting with baited breath