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legalmindatwork says...

I am convinced Leslie is not tired of being a flip flopper.....the way he backtracks on the things he says makes me queasy.

On Davis backs BEC staff over Miller

Posted 18 March 2015, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal

legalmindatwork says...

I think you have missed the point entirely, regardless of his description of the persons who are in government questions need to be answered. Instead of trying to distract persons away from the real issue by playing the FNM/PLP blame game, look at what needs to be said and done by those in government hogs or not.

On 'Tell the public truth over BAMSI'

Posted 10 March 2015, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

legalmindatwork says...

I just have one thing to say.....everyone keeps harping on the point that the school should pick out the guilty minority and punish them...but I feel that everyone has forgotten about their time at high school. I could remember being on the sidelines cheering those students on or knowing about various intended activities but saying nothing because I was loyal to my friends and my would be unfair to discipline those who where CAUGHT compared to those who weren't. That is where the term the innocent will suffer for the guilty, because in most instances the innocent are a minority and the guilty are the majority. It's sad that everyone feels the need to take a strong stance not knowing the REAL story and we the public will never know. Just remember there are three sides to every story, the student's side, the school's side and the TRUTH.

On Parents to sue over cancelled graduation

Posted 19 June 2013, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

legalmindatwork says...

And then to make the relation between the prohibition of alcohol and stating that the same persons who are selling drugs would then capitalize on the selling of alcohol and in this case the selling of numbers is absurd and Mr. Munroe knows it. The drugs boys will stick to selling their drugs and the numbers men will stick to selling their's as if he's trying to say that both can be used interchangeably...that's likening apples to oranges and we all know those are so different in shape, texture and taste. Mr. Munroe I suggest you stick to what you know...defend the drug boys on their drug charges and keep it moving....cause I am one young citizen that sees past the scare tactic.

legalmindatwork says...

It's clear Mr. Munroe is using another scare tactic to get his way and his client's way. I honestly believe that had Perry not opened his mouth before the referendum and made the promise that the web shops would be closed should a No vote be returned there would be no issue about the web shops operations now. And so Mr. Munroe is trying his hardest to place fear into the citizens of the Bahamas to get his client's way. Is this some form of bullying tactic? Indeed. I think Mr. Munroe has forgotten that before the numbers racket was modernized and moved to the wide world web you had bookies that would stand at various corners with their carbon copy books and you could buy your number, pay your cash and leave (I would know because I remember as a young child accompanying family members when they would go play their numbers). There was no turf war going on between the persons that were involved simply because there was always enough to go Mr. Munroe needs to come with a better argument.

legalmindatwork says...

All of this has been one giant stall tactic from the jump. I'm sure that when they return in three week's time there will be another issue...perhaps a page is missing from the bundle of documents which would cause a further delay. It seems like everyone is acting in collusion with one another and sadly the lawyers that are on retainer will get richer and make a continuous mockery of our legal system.

On Web shops stay open as ruling delayed

Posted 14 March 2013, 1:13 p.m. Suggest removal

legalmindatwork says...

I have two things to say here...

1. We don't know if it was intentional or we can't be around here assuming because we don't know how and what people are when they get behind closed doors.

2. The you even consider this story sensible journalism? This entire story was about a telephone call made from one man to another two days before the incident and then Mr. Brown giving his personal thoughts on it. Cheaper you called me and asked my personal thoughts on the matter as well. If the editor wanted to jump on the bandwagon of the other news outlets and report the incident then they should have...plain and simple without having to make it seem as if Mr. Brown's personal connection made the situation that much worse.

The point I'm trying to make here is that there are so many other issues plaguing OUR country that could have been reported but alas it is not...where has the responsible journalism gone...instead of just peddling these flimsy stories that only take up space.

I am saddened that a young lady lost her life and a young man that has inspired so many must go through this tragedy.

legalmindatwork says...

I am convinced the Prime Minister has fired his speech writers and is now speaking off the top of his head. How can you be so concerned with something that is trivial because other countries have it....that sounds like some high school jealousy issue to me. Regardless of what we have and what we don't have in terms of a place to entertaining delegates is minor to the rising crime rate and unemployment that is plaguing this country. I am convinced this PLP government has the great power of deflection....each member knows the right thing to say to the public by avoiding the issue and placing less serious issues at the forefront so by the time the public realizes what has happened it is too late.

where are the 10,000 some odd jobs that was promised?
what are the remedies to deal with the rising crime rate?
what ever happened to the mortgage help relief that only benefited a small group?
what happened to urban renewal??

These are all questions that need to be answered before the Prime Minister and his council can even begin to consider a Prime Minister residence...

My 5 cents!!

legalmindatwork says...

I still don't understand how someone who is acting in his capacity....meaning him being the Minister of Education can look at a file and objectively make such a legal decision. How did this file differ from the next?? And regardless if Alyson Maynard-Gibson and Damian Gomez were away they still need to answer for the person that was acting in their capacity. transparency peopleeeeeeeeeeee!!!

legalmindatwork says...

I wonder if you have a law degree or anything of that nature to fully understand how the law operates....although the act itself does not specify online states that ANY form of gambling is illegal in the country...and by paying in and receiving money for the purposes of gambling is illegal....and yes you have noticed that the laws are outdated but a law that was created in 1969 would have no contemplation for any electronic devices when it was written so there could be no specific reference to something that would have been created some 30 to 50 years later. The whole point of the judiciary is to interpret the law as it is and to the various facts of different cases....

So the point that because it is not specified in the law is not a valid argument....the judiciary makes the law wide to a certain extent so as to accommodate different circumstances that each cases brings...I suggest you do a bit more research instead of taking other people's arguments and making them your own.

On Bran: court was not wrong

Posted 3 February 2013, 6:13 a.m. Suggest removal