Comment history

legend_eleuthera says...

There are many ways to counter unions. Ignoring them doesn't work but by working within the law, union activity can be excluded at the gate. What ways utilised by union recruiters that they deem fair for their closed shop actions is fair against their weaseling into an employer/employee relationship that closes the unions out.

On Union oppose two of mobile firms

Posted 13 February 2015, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

legend_eleuthera says...

Just another PLP red herring that will benefit the 'intended' benefactors nothing but will benefit those PLP's in the house, their cronies, family and snuggly business partners and we will be their bitches. Really think and do NOT pay. The bastards deserve less than a tenth of what they already get!

legend_eleuthera says...

Mr. Moss, you are the future, and the PLP old boys club is a shameful past.

On Moss anger at Rollins fallout

Posted 13 January 2015, 8 p.m. Suggest removal