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lemonfreshpinesol says...

God help the FNM and The Bahamas if Loretta is elected as leader. She was a horrible MP in Montagu. So much so that she had to flee to Long Island. After the boundaries were sliced and diced for the last election both the Montagu and St. Annes seats were in jeopardy because of her. Can we please have another option??? Please???

lemonfreshpinesol says...

Wow...I wonder what Mr. Mitchell's position is on this failed Referendum. I have to wonder since he seems to be silent. Mr. Mitchell? Mr. Mitchell? What say you now Mr. Mitchell???

On PLP reaction starkly different from 2002

Posted 10 June 2016, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

lemonfreshpinesol says...

No no hell no!!!

lemonfreshpinesol says...

These issues are not that simple. First of all the provisions relating to child support and access are governed by the Child Protection Act not the Constitution. Secondly, there are a number of things that are taken into account in granting access to the father such as the age of the child and the sex of the child. Every case is different, it all depends on the circumstances.

lemonfreshpinesol says...

The man makes a good point...

On Humes hits out at credibility of Rollins

Posted 2 June 2016, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

lemonfreshpinesol says...

All political parties need to remember that you cannot win a general election if you are bickering and fighting amongst yourselves. Those who oppose Dr. Minnis within the FNM do not have to agree with him or even like him, but what they should do is respect him enough as leader to keep their opinions about him within the party. The general public should never be made aware of disagreements that party members have with each other. There is a reason that the Council meetings are closed....

In my most humble opinion, if you have chosen to join a party and you do not like how the party is being ran, there is no need to put it out there for public consumption. Simply pack up your bags and be on your merry way. And if you feel that you can do a better job then create your own party. Nobody is forcing anyone to stay. Dr. Minnis was duly elected to lead the FNM (regardless of it being a mistake) and therefore until he is replaced at the next convention he should be respected and supported as such. And the same should go for the other parties too. In the public domain always put up a united front. Remember what happened to the PLP when they went into the general election with leadership drama...

The country is in desperate need of change, but that will not happen if there is not a strong and united opposition. The problem is that everyone wants to be chief and nobody wants to be an indian.

On Rollins: Minnis has no vision

Posted 1 June 2016, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal