Comment history

leonardlaing says...

Mr. Russell, seeing that you are always on top of almost everything in this country... How come you don't run for the Prime Minister of this country..... You have the solutions am sure.

leonardlaing says...

I remember in the last general election when then Prime Minister Hon. Hebert Ingraham and Hon. Tommy Turnguest went in there to help and tried to talk to the individuals there about upgraring their living conditions and other important issues leader of the the then opposition and deputy leader did not see a problem . Continue to live in the slums Farm road and Centerville you were bought for pennies on election night low lives.

leonardlaing says...

Mr. Minister you have heard..... Please get facts first before shooting off your big mouth...

leonardlaing says...

Mr. Minister you are like the rest talk and talk and gets nothing done. The story of my life.....

On Gray ‘seeks tough poaching penalties’

Posted 11 February 2014, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

leonardlaing says...

Steven I agree with you, these jokers in Central Government have little respect for Local Government members. They don't even visit the site before making the decision. I smell a rat...

On Abaco anger over fishing lodge work

Posted 22 October 2013, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

leonardlaing says...

He should be removed as soon as he was found guilty. What a strange bunch of church members...

leonardlaing says...

Why is it that every year all government schools are face with these challenges every year? Where are the bright minds, no wonder why the exam results are the way they are?
Use you brain Minister...

On SCHOOLS LATEST: Govt issues statement

Posted 18 September 2013, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

leonardlaing says...

TalRussell, you have answers on every issue that takes place in this country...What have you contributed to this country, other than controversy? Why don't you run for a political office and make a difference.

leonardlaing says...

Dream on my brother, ready to govern from day one...

On PM predicts 300 new jobs for Bimini

Posted 15 August 2013, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

leonardlaing says...

Theo I agree with you 100%.