Comment history

letitbeme says...

Crooks is what they are. Bahamians are not dumb. I had a Japanese Honda Ledgend for ten years without any major problems. Whenever I needed repairs, parts we available at reasonable prices. The auto dealers in The Bahamas are their worst enemies. The average Bahamian cannot afford the $40,000 on average for a regular/nothing flashy automobile. Thank God for Japanese vehicles and the affordable prices they offer, the average Bahamian can enjoy reliable transportation. Auto dealers!, make a living and not a killing!!

letitbeme says...

The White descendants of the White Bay Street Boys are the inheritors and owners of most of the properties on Bay Street. The government should create a blighted property law, and should give those property owners a time limited to spruce up those buildings and properties. if they don't, the government should seize the properties in the public interest

letitbeme says...

Smith or no Smith, the people will reject the PLP. Monroe, or no Monroe, the FNM will win Freetown, and Dinisio D' Aguillar will be the new MP for Freetown.

On Munroe ratified in Free Town drama

Posted 14 March 2017, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

letitbeme says...

Chucky is so right in his take on Mr. Wrinkle's concern. it is just a sad situation in this country. How we got here? I know; petty politics and encouraging slackness. We can't compete with global economy that is consuming us for sure. Thanks to Sir Lynden Pindling and his petty PLP crooks and cronies he perpetuated form the outset of independence. What an embarrassment!

letitbeme says...

i'm not into this. I want to know where the VAT money gone?

letitbeme says...

The worst thing to happen to The Bahamas, is not Sir stafford sands, it's the PLP. What disgrace these people are to this beautiful country!

On The most beautiful place from space

Posted 6 May 2015, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

letitbeme says...

It is, what it is!!

letitbeme says...

There is nothing concerning Heather Hunt's resignation that needs to be addressed by Pintard. She, and all other Opposition Senators serve at the pleasure of the leader of the Opposition. That's the FNM business!!

letitbeme says...

Gynecologists are abortionists, and abortion is murder. So obviously the man is out of place as National Security Minister.


Posted 7 November 2014, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

letitbeme says...

Andre Rollins got backbone. What a breath of fresh air! He has nothing to be ashamed of; he represents the new Bahamian, who know for sure that this is home, and country. He plans to live nowhere else, and he would be damned if he allow the likes of Christie and others to continue make a mess out of it, and eventually destroy it. way to go rollins!!!!!!