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letitbeme says...

I agree with Bahamian men passing citizenship to their children, no matter where they're born. Men are the one who gives identity to the child. The women bares the child, and give birth, but the child carries the identity, and citizenship of the father. That's the way God ordained it to be. Furthermore the woman was made to follow, and submit to her husband. She is not to pass her citizenship to her husband, but to take on his, as the case may be. Just in case all of the questions are mixed up, I'm voting NO! If not, I will vote yes ONLY, for Bahamian men to always pass on citizenship to their children.

letitbeme says...

That's great! Boy we are, indeed a force in track and field. We have a deep and strong stable of runners, especially in the 400 meters. With the new kid Alonzo Russell, and a time so close tto England, who won the race, speaks volume as to the strength of our athletes. If Ramon Miller was healthy, and in that race, we certainly would have won the gold. Good job guys!!!


Posted 2 August 2014, 11:15 p.m. Suggest removal

letitbeme says...


On Respects paid to Edmund Moxey

Posted 2 August 2014, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

letitbeme says...

We cheapen our citizenship, and wha it means to be Bahamian, when we would even consider such absurdity.

letitbeme says...

Dr. Rodney Smith is the right Bahamian man for the job. He had COB moving, and rapidly heading towards University status. Peter presented a strong case as to why he should be given another chance. Thank you Peter! We all, when we make a blunder, wants to be given another chance, but when it comes to somebody else, we can be so unforgiving. Dr. Smith is one of the many brilliant Bahamian men being utilized by foreign institutions and other entities. Why can't we welcome him home and utilize his wealth of knowledge and expertise in making our College a University of world class standards of excellence. i believe in dr. smith and his ability to get the job done!!! go dr. smith!!

On Smith for COB president

Posted 30 July 2014, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal