Comment history

linnassau says...

Indeed!!! This young lady is an asset to the teaching profession. God bless you and continue to shine, wherever, you are. God bless you!!!

linnassau says...

Indeed!!! This young lady is an asset to teaching profession. God bless you and continue to shine, wherever, you are. God bless you!!!

linnassau says...

Tighten gun laws

On Anti-crime rally being held tonight

Posted 12 November 2015, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal

linnassau says...

Way to go!!!

linnassau says...


linnassau says...

Thank you God for sending out your agents to rescue these five souls. A reminder that we need to be ready to at anytime to meet God.

linnassau says...

Sad. Condolences to the family. Our children need real parents who love and can give them proper guidance.

On Man shot dead

Posted 7 June 2015, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

linnassau says...

I can not agreed with you more on this. Whenever there is a problem check out what is happening at the top. It usually comes from the top, no where else. As more problems settle in, one can only imagine that it resonates from the very top of the scale.

linnassau says...

The first photo is looking like the makings of a sink hole.

linnassau says...

. Exodus 20:5 Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and forth generation of them that hate me; 6 and showing mercy to thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.