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liz says...

OMG! There are so many smart, capable Bahamians stifled by the Red, Yellow or "other". FACT: This government is completely inept at anything but corruption and "makin' it rain" for themselves. BUT there are sadly, a lot of underpaid government workers who work tirelessly through all administrations - both parties, to get what they can done, well, done. Kudos to them! It is time for true change which also means the conversation must change as well.

liz says...

FACT: Government response to the entire storm is completely sad, disgusting and pathetic. "F" Failure. waaaaaayyyyyyy to many storms were the teaching "Moment". They done come and gone! Truth: Who cares who is Yellow, Red or Green? No one who just lost everything and sat through a CAT 4 for 48 plus hours! The focus should be on those listed who are coordinating the effort and getting it done. To those in Government right now who should be doing their job and if they cannot? Step aside and do nothing (because doing mess in critical times causes more problems) and this is a critical time for survival for many. The best quality in any human being is honesty (many do not have it) and that includes admitting failure and handing the "reins" over to the capable because it is the decent and godly action to take in serious times. We shall see what happens.