Comment history

llehteb says...

It is amazing the level of ignorance of 242 and the other FNM supporters; that cannot accept that the PLP is the governent; who should thank the PLP for helping them to remove the blinders that they have been forced to wear and endure over the last 5 years. This Christie administration will prove to be the absolutely best solution for this country. But any idiot should know that it is going to take time to fix the total screw-up left in place by the last band of incompetiance.

On PM: Deficit to reach $500m

Posted 2 June 2012, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

llehteb says...

It is pathetic attitudes life this why the FNM got clobbered; and why you FNM supporters will never ever see your party in power again. You need to get a life! Sooooooo sad

On FNM senators to be sworn in

Posted 15 May 2012, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal