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logician242 says...

Sugar is bad in excess. This is well known and it would behoove Bahamians to consume far less than they do. The snag is that most of sugar consumption comes from processed food that is labelled as healthy. So I am not necessarily convinced that taxing sugary drinks alone is going to have a major impact.

Rather consider how most Bahamians obtain their sugar drinks.

I recently spent a week in Eleuthera. I did not see any obese persons there. I also did not see any fast food outlets. They are (as usual) barking up the wrong tree; got to find a scapegoat.

Having said that they will have a riot in Nassau if they caused significant price increases at the fast food outlets, which, other than possibly Bamboo Shack, are an entirely USA franchises.

On 'Can't tax Bahamas into better health'

Posted 7 June 2023, 6:27 a.m. Suggest removal

logician242 says...

Actually the Government does dictate the price of spark plugs along with ALL car parts as well as new and used cars. All price controlled. They need to get out of price control and let the market do its job. Price control was put in place in the 1970s allegedly to stop the rich white merchants from taking advantage of the poor black people. Nonsense then and even more so now.