Comment history

longgone says...

A drunk three-leg donkey would be better than what they ran before!

longgone says...

The Hawksbill Creek Act died in 1967---It's a waste of time to bring that up!

longgone says...

Hey Tetel--You seem to have a gripe against Higgs & Johnson---Did they do you wrong sometime??

On Our foot’s on your neck, EU warns

Posted 8 May 2020, 8:21 p.m. Suggest removal

longgone says...

I lived in Freeport for over 30 years---Terry was always very "prominent"---He was an honest lawyer!

longgone says...

You have got to be kidding---Bringing thousands of tourists from God knows where is a receipt for disaster. All the "lockdowns" etc that we have been doing will go up in smoke. Please tell me that the PM will not allow them to commence cruises in June when we have been trying so hard to hold down the crisis!

longgone says...

One of the few times I have ever agreed with Sir Franky---There is no other alternative!

longgone says...

The Man ain't playin---Nassau gunna be tight!

longgone says...

While this lay-off is going on, this would be an excellent time for the bus drivers to learn how to drive!

longgone says...

Anyone who really thinks that the lockdown will only be for 11 days is deluding themselves--In the States people are resigned to be self-quarantined until July!!

longgone says...

A very hard hitting and accurate speech---Things do not look good for the Bahamas in the foreseeable future and my prayers go out to my family and friends there!

On Wake up! 'There will be no tourists'

Posted 19 March 2020, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal